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那是星期五的一节作文课,我让学生们围绕“我最幸福的时刻”这一话题,回忆自己的生活经历,然后作文。教室里静了一会儿后,学生们先是三五个小声地讲,接着更多的学生把自己成长过程中的幸福经历说给同桌或前后桌的同学听。通常我都是这样让学生们先把内容和情节梳理清晰之后,再叫几个学生到讲台上陈述,将他们的故事与大家一起分享,然后动笔写作。那天第一个主动上台来的是班长。她说在自己14年的人生经历中,最幸福的要数今年能考上重点初中。她不太喜欢数学,六年级的最后一个月咬牙逼自己学习数学。爸妈知道她小升初数学得了86分后,远在杭州的他们一次给她买了两套裙子,并寄回老家。她说那段拼搏是她14年经历中最大的财富。接着上来讲述的是于小勤、赵猛和刘英平。于小勤讲了和外出打工的父母一起去上海外滩的快乐经历;赵猛回忆了小学毕业时代表全班同学在毕业典礼上的发言;刘英平讲述了自己认识了现在的同桌刘华,两人的友谊让他最幸福。 It was a friday essay lesson, and I asked the students to recall their life experiences and then write essays around the topic “My happiest moments”. After the classroom was quiet for a while, the students whispered three to five, then more students said to their classmates at the same table or around the tables, their happy experiences of growing up. Usually, I let students first sort out the content and plot clear, and then called a few students to the rostrum presentation, to share their stories with everyone, and then writing. On that day the first initiative came to monitor the squad leader. She said that in her 14 years of life experience, the happiest number can be admitted to key junior high school this year. She did not like math very much, and she forced her to learn math in the last month of sixth grade. Mom and Dad knew she had a math score of 86 at a young age, and once they were in Hangzhou, they bought her two sets of skirts and sent them home. She said that hard work is her biggest fortune in 14 years of experience. Then came up to talk about Xiaoqin, Zhao Meng and Liu Yingping. Xiao Qin told the go-go parents and go to the Bund in Shanghai happy experience; Zhao Meng recalled the primary school graduates on behalf of the class at the graduation ceremony speech; Liu Yingping about their understanding of the current table with Liu Hua, two Human friendship made him happiest.
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