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4月18日,市委书记孙政才主持召开市委常委会会议,听取一季度全市经济运行情况汇报,研究部署下一阶段经济工作。会议指出,今年以来,全市上下全面贯彻落实中央和市委决策部署,坚持稳中求进工作总基调,大力实施五大功能区域发展战略,着力强化改革创新、扩大开放和技术创新三大动力支撑,大力推动转方式调结构,消费、投资、出口三大 On April 18, party secretary Sun Zhengcai presided over a meeting of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee to hear a quarterly report on the city’s economic operation and study and deploy the next stage of economic work. The meeting pointed out: Since the beginning of this year, the city has fully implemented the decision-making arrangements of the central and municipal governments, adhered to the general tone of seeking stability while progressing, vigorously implemented the strategy of developing five major functional areas, intensified efforts in reform and innovation, expanded opening up and technological innovation, Promote the restructuring of the transfer mode, consumption, investment, export three
The paper is aimed to investigate the~(222)Rn,~(220)Rn andγradiation levels of rare-earth mines,and to provide reference data for the supervision over rare-ear
In order to produce a unified ctiterian for the investigation of nationwide nuclear bases,The Ministry of Environment Protection PRC consigned CIAE to develop t
According to more recent work,the Wilshire equations have shown good prediction accuracy in a wide range of materials and stress-temperature conditions,particul
“女排精神不单单是赢得冠军,而是有时候即便知道不会赢,也竭尽全力;女排精神是你一路走得摇摇晃晃,但站起来抖抖身上的尘土,依旧眼中坚定。”  北京时间8月21日中午,随着中国女排定胜局,中国代表团获得了里约奥运会的第26枚金牌,并以此收官。随即,五星红旗在国歌声中冉冉升起,辉映着美丽的女排姑娘如此灿烂多骄。几乎与此同时的华夏大地,“女排精神”迅速成为街头巷尾、网络内外的头号热词;它穿越岁月、穿越乡愁
【关键词】网络游戏;传播;传统文化  1 世界观与背景故事  每个游戏都有自己的世界观与背景,一个好的游戏的世界观一定是庞大且完整的。游戏世界观就是一个玩家对于这个游戏的根本看法,这个观点是建立于你对这个游戏的理解,以及你想从这个游戏中获得什么。正如欧美的很多游戏都以“希腊神话”“北欧神话”“克苏鲁神话”等等为基础,要想传播中华传统文化,便要以中华传统文化为基础进行世界观的构建。例如大获成功的棋牌
The year of 2014 is a pivotal year for the construction of the Beijing Radioactive Ionbeam Facility(BRIF)project.In this year,the BRIF has made a significant pr
对核电站用阀门进行检查工作时,发现两个阀门的倒密封阀座表面出现了径向裂纹,且最大深度约为2 mm。本工作利用扫描电镜观察、金相组织观察、成分分析、应力有限元分析等手段