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本人超频始于486,历经三代CPU,说实在的,体会就是:随着主频越来越高,技术和运气的含量也就越来越重。PⅡ系列不像486和P54,随便摸一个就能超20%,而且对主板、显卡、硬盘也无甚特殊要求。现在好了,烙铁、指甲油等八辈子打不着的东西凑在一块,齐心协力为超频保驾护航,不是“骨灰级”高手还真无从下手,眼睁睁看着别人用着高性价比的东西,心里这个急呀!好在现在教人如何超频的文章多于牛毛,吾辈中人的技术日新月异,渐臻成熟,运气也在商家的炒作之下可以用金钱买到。本文讲的决不是重复如何“摩CPU”,如何核对批号等陈旧话题,而是探讨超频的技术和运气以外的“盲区”,希望能对大家有所帮助。 I overclocked at 486, after three generations of CPU, to tell the truth, experience is: As the clock speed is higher and higher, the content of technology and luck is also more and more heavy. P Ⅱ series unlike the 486 and P54, just touch a super 20%, but also on the motherboard, video card, hard drive also no special requirements. Now, irons, nail polish and other life-long things can not get together in a piece, work together to escort overclocking is not “ashes” master really can not start, watched someone with cost-effective things, the heart of this urgent Yeah! Fortunately now teach people how to overclock the article more than Niumao, our generation of people with each passing day, maturing, luck is also under the speculation of businesses can buy with money. This article is by no means repeat how to “mop CPU”, how to check out old issues such as batch numbers, but to explore overclocking technology and luck beyond the “blind spot”, hoping to be helpful to everyone.
Experts predict that in 2010,China willneed about 302 700 tons of active pesticideingredients (or pesticides technical),including129 500 tons of insecticides,9
【正】 In China,the pesticide industry is not a bigindustry but absolutely a very important one.In 2009,due to the global economic crisis andthe impact of China
哈尔滨焦视眼科医院总裁黑龙江省青联委员、哈尔滨市青联委员、市工商联委员、市侨商协会委员、道里区人大代表、青联常委 President of Harbin Jiao Eye Hospital Heilongj
JQ900型架桥机用于铁路客运专线(时速250 km、350km)20m、24m、32m双线整孔混凝土箱梁架设。主要由主梁、前、后吊梁行车、辅助行车、前、后支腿、辅助前支腿、辅助后支腿、