
来源 :自动化仪表 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chhy6266746
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在实际工作中遇到仪表的分度号和测量范围不适合需要的情况时,可根据生产的实际需要改变现有仪表的测量范围,包括改变仪表测量桥路电阻值和绘制刻度标尺等。改变测量桥路电阻时,可根据要改的分度号和测量范围查阅该型号电位差计测量桥路的电阻数值表,然后根据表中所列数值配制桥路电阻。但有时该表不易找到,就是找到了,表中也不一定有我们需要的分度号、测量范围的桥路电阻值。这时,我们可用电阻箱代替桥路电阻,采取“拉刻度”或计算的方法配置桥路电阻。仪表的改刻度主要是确定测量桥路的刻度下限电阻R_G,量程电阻R_M和限流电阻R_4的阻值。仪表桥路中的温度补偿电阻R_W,如果分度号不变,其阻值一 In the actual work encountered instrument index number and the measurement range is not suitable for the needs of the situation, according to the actual needs of the production change the measurement range of existing instrumentation, including the change of instrument measurement bridge resistance and draw the scale and so on. Change the measurement of bridge resistance, according to the index number and measurement range to be modified to consult the model potentiometer measurement bridge resistance table, and then according to the value of the table configuration bridge resistance. But sometimes the table is not easy to find, is found, the table does not necessarily have the sub-degree we need to measure the bridge resistance. At this moment, we can use the resistance box instead of the bridge resistance, and adopt “pull-scale” or calculation method to configure the bridge resistance. Instrument re-calibration is to determine the measurement of the bridge lower scale resistance R_G, RMR and R_4 current limit resistor resistance. Meter bridge temperature compensation resistor R_W, if the index number unchanged, the resistance of a
液化气球罐液位的变化范围大,而且液化气易燃、易爆,给液位的自动测量带来一定困难。我厂原用 UTZ-03防爆液位计测量球罐的液位。因各种原因液位计电触点经常接触不良,不能
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