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1月10日下午,广东省省直外经贸系统女工工作会议在省外经贸委会议室召开,在广东省妇联第9次代表人会上当选为常委的省外经贸委招玉芳副主任在会上传达了省妇联第9次代表大会精神,并对外经贸妇女工作提出了具体要求。她说,在刚刚过去的1999年,广东省外商实际直接投资122.2亿美元,比上年增长1.52%。胜利完成了省委、省政府年初提出的外经贸工作目标。能取得这样的成绩,占广东外贸职工总数42.6%的女职工功不可没。招玉芳副主任代表省外经贸委向系统全体妇女表达了衷 On the afternoon of January 10, a meeting of women workers in the direct economic and trade system of Guangdong Province was held in the conference room of the Foreign Economic and Trade Committee of the Guangdong Province. Zhao Yufang, deputy director of the Provincial Bureau of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation, was elected as a member of the Standing Committee of the 9th Guangdong Provincial Women’s Federation At the meeting, the spirit of the 9th NPC of the province’s women’s federation was conveyed, and specific requirements on women’s work in foreign trade and economic cooperation were put forward. She said that in 1999, the actual direct foreign investment in Guangdong Province hit 12.22 billion U.S. dollars in 1999, an increase of 1.52% over the previous year. The victory accomplished the goal of foreign trade and economic cooperation proposed by the provincial party committee and government at the beginning of the year. Achieve such a result, accounting for 42.6% of the total number of foreign trade workers in Guangdong female staff contributed. Zhao Yufang, deputy director of the Department of Foreign Economic and Trade on behalf of the system to all women expressed their sincerity
在职业学校德育工作中,笔者通过默默地关注学生,自身言行的示范,赏识的言语三种策略,干预学生行为,从而让学生朝着理想方面发展。 In the work of moral education in vocat
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