来源 :Science in China,Ser.B | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kyunlong
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Analogues of yeast alanyl tRNA with I_(34) replaced by A_(34) or G_(34) were synthesized. Synthetic analoguesof yeast alanyl tRNT occupy the same position as the natural yeast alanyl tRNA on polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis, and their purity is about 95% after electrophoresis on a 10% or 20% polyacrylamide gel.The two terminal and nearest neighbour nucleotides of the analogues are all correct. The accepting acti-vity of the synthetic analogues is similar to that of the reconstituted natural yeast alanyl tRNA. The in-corporation activity of alanine into proteins of the synthetic analogues is about 30% of that of the naturalof reconstituted natural yeast alanyl tRNA when I_(34) is replaced by A, and is 90% when I_(34) is replaced byG.The reason of the variation in biological function of the analogues of yeast alanyl tRNA after I_(34) re-placed by A or G was discussed. Analogues of yeast alanyl tRNA with I_ (34) replaced by A_ (34) or G_ (34) were synthesized. Synthetic analogues of yeast alanyl tRNT occupy the same position as the natural yeast alanyl tRNA on polyacrylamide gelelectrophoresis, and their purity is about 95% after electrophoresis on a 10% or 20% polyacrylamide gel. The two terminal and nearest neighbor nucleotides of the analogues are all correct. The accepting acti-vity of the synthetic analogues is similar to that of the reconstituted natural yeast alanyl tRNA. The in- corporation activity of alanine into proteins of the synthetic analogues is about 30% of that of the natural of reconstituted natural yeast alanyl tRNA when I_ (34) is replaced by A, and is 90% when I_ (34) is replaced by G. The reason of the variation in biological function of the analogues of yeast alanyl tRNA after I_ (34) re-placed by A or G was discussed.
TWSM 训练产生的形迹,来自片状形催化反应分光光度法是一种研究最多应用最广的催化动力学分析法,不足之一为选择性欠佳。催化反应离子选择电极法近来亦有报道。选择性好、研
The pseudo-binary phase diagram of K_6 -KTP was investigated by meansof DTA and X-ray powder diffraction method.Experimental results show thatit is an eutectic
本文研究了钪与间硝基偶氮氯膦的成络反应。结果表明,在该体系中能生成α、β和γ型三种钪络合物,继而确定其生成的最佳条件,并测定了相应各络合物的组成和稳定常数。 In th
腹有诗书气自华,最是书香能致远。二者既有区别,又有关联,是不能分割、不可分割的。只可惜,长期以来,人们津津乐道的是前一句,后一句很少有人提及,这实在有点“厚此薄彼”。诚然,一个“腹无诗书”的人,气质不容易高雅,才华更难以横溢。同样,一个毫无“书香”的人,是很难“致远”的。  中国人一向爱“远”。千里之行始于足下,说的是如何才能实现远大目标;不积跬步无以至千里,说的同样还是为了一个“远”字……  理
Acetonitrile-Cu(II) complex on Y-type zeolite was studied by ESR and the electronic structural parameters of the complex were calculated.The results are report
本文研究了在2×10~(-5)M 5-Br-PADAP—0.08M酒石酸—1.6×10~(-4)MEDTA支持电解质中(pH2.2~2.7,t>25℃),Nb(Ⅴ)在—0.30V(VS SCE)产生一个灵敏的催化波。Nb(Ⅴ)的浓度在8~80p