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建立抗日义勇军日本侵华,蓄谋已久。1931年“九·一八”事变后,日本侵略者大举进犯中国,对中国人民犯下了滔天罪行。1936年秋,家父由香港到广西梧州,经朋友介绍,住在料神村李济深将军家中。在李的鼓励和支持下,父亲返回桂林,在湘桂边区之瓜里,化名刘兴汉,成立了“抗日救国义勇军”,组织了300多人的抗日队伍,他任“湖南湘西抗日救国义勇军司令”。部队训练两月余,即挥师向湖南挺进,并布告国人(布告全文在南宁广西日报刊出),宣示以保卫祖国,抗击日寇为宗旨。挥师到城步县八十里南山,遭到湖南何键保安团的伏击。经奋勇还击,历尽艰辛,到达湘桂黔边之三省坡时,“西安事变”发生了。他预测国共合作、 The establishment of a Japanese anti-Japanese volunteer army to invade China has long been a planned attempt. After the Incident of September 18, 1931, the Japanese invaders invaded China on a massive scale and committed a heinous crime against the Chinese people. In the autumn of 1936, my father was from Hong Kong to Wuzhou in Guangxi and was introduced by a friend and lived in General Li Jishen’s house. With Li’s encouragement and support, his father returned to Guilin and became known as Liu Xinghan in Guarui, a border region of Hunan and Guangxi. The “Anti-Japanese National Salvation Army” was established and more than 300 anti-Japanese troops were organized. He served as “the commander of the Hunan Volunteer Army for Resisting Japan and Saving the Nation” . After more than two months of military training, troops marched toward Hunan and proclaimed the people (the full text of the bulletin was published in Nanning Guangxi Daily), proclaiming the purpose of defending the motherland and fighting the Japanese invaders. Taught to eighty miles south of Chengbu County, was ambushed by the security mission of He Jian in Hunan Province. After courageously fighting back and after going through arduous struggles, the “Xi’an Incident” took place when it reached the slope of the three provinces along the border of Hunan, Guangxi and Guizhou. He predicted the KMT-CPC cooperation,
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