
来源 :当代旅游(高尔夫旅行) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:5201314520
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空中乘务专业是伴随民用航空运输业飞速发展而产生的高端服务业,空中乘务专业群则是适应航空产业体系需要而建设的高职院校空中乘务相关专业的集合。找出空中乘务专业群建设的关键问题,提出该专业群建设的基本途径,设计合理的专业群体系,将极大提升该专业群整体办学效果。 Air service major is accompanied by the rapid development of civil aviation industry, resulting in high-end service industry, air service professional group is to adapt to the needs of the aviation industry system and the construction of higher vocational colleges air service-related professional collection. To find out the key problems in the construction of the airborne professional group, and to put forward the basic approach to the construction of the professional group and a well-designed professional group system, will greatly enhance the overall effect of the professional group.
Considering changes of bedforra dimensions, the expression of the boundary shear stress responsible for sediment transport is obtained. Then, this expression i
中华商标杂志2000年工作座谈会7月 18日-21日在广西南宁召开。来自全国34 个省市商标管理部门、商标协会以及商标 代理组织的48名代表参加会议。广西区工 商局副局长黄绍熙、中华商标协会副
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国外水利水电工程截流实例统计续表(天津勘测设计研究院科研所张黎明供稿)国外水利水电工程截流实例统计... Statistics of Closure Cases of Foreign Water Conservancy and
在英语专业的综合英语课程中,教师与学生的接触最为频繁,在“以学生为中心”的教学理念下,教师的角色得到了极大的拓展 Teachers and students are most frequently exposed
本文论述了现代教育的发展对旅游英语教学的影响,并将多媒体教学与传统的旅游英语教学相比较,论证了多媒体与旅游英语结合的可行性。 This paper discusses the influence o