Open-loop experiments of resonator micro-optic gyro

来源 :Optoelectronics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hanyunba
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An open-loop resonator micro-optic gyro (R-MOG) with a 6 cm-long waveguide-type ring resonator is set up using the phase modulation spectroscopy technique. In the experiment, according to the test parameters of the resonator, the shot- noise-limited sensitivity is estimated to be 1.07×10-4 rad/s. From the test demodulation signal, the gyro dynamic range of ±7.0×103 rad/s is obtained. Using different phase modulation frequencies, the open-loop gyro output signal is observed when the equivalent gyro rotation is applied to the acoustic-optical modulators (AOMs). The sensitivity of the R-MOG can be increased by some countermeasures against system noise. An open-loop resonator micro-optic gyro (R-MOG) with a 6 cm-long waveguide-type ring resonator is set up using the phase modulation spectroscopy technique. In the experiment, according to the test parameters of the resonator, the shot - noise-limited sensitivity is estimated to be 1.07 × 10-4 rad / s. From the test demodulation signal, the gyro dynamic range of ± 7.0 × 103 rad / s is obtained. Using different phase modulation frequencies, the open-loop gyro output signal is observed when the equivalent gyro rotation is applied to the acoustic-optical modulators (AOMs). The sensitivity of the R-MOG can be increased by some countermeasures against system noise.
1 概况据不完全统计,泥浆泵水套全国每年消耗量近十万只左右,由于工作环境恶劣(工作压力为150~350MPa,泥砂含量5%,pH值一般10~12)目前国内的缸套不少在使用中由于出现沟纹、拉
第一招,用70℃左右的温水浸泡羽毛部分10~20分钟(不能浸到毛片捆扎线),然后自然风干。第二招,把待打的 The first move, soak the feathers with warm water at about 70 ℃
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