The Influences of Shadow Education

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  1 The Influences on the Pupils
  The findings of questionnaire has indicated that shadow education have the certain effect on the pupils,who have made progress by accepting shadow education.As mentioned before,the content of shadow education is totally same as the mainstream.Besides,when comes to the question,how do you feel after you attending shadow education,68.8% of them feel happy and contented only 3.3% of them are terrible.Additionally,71.5% of them think if they didn’t get shadow education,they can still make progress.It is suggested that shadow education can supply a psychological relief for the pupils.
  The pupils also depict that they can answer the questions in the mainstream school mire quickly and accurately after shadow education.Because in shadow education,the contents will be taught in the mainstream class can be previewed and pretaught in shadow education.The pupils can be more confident of and pleased with their study.These are the positive influences of shadow education on pupils but is superficial.Because there are a lot of underlying negative effects behind them.
  After interviewing the mainstream teachers,it can be concluded that the pupils’ attitude to the process of obtaining knowledge has changed a lot.The means of imparting knowledge in shadow education is extremely different from that in mainstream education.Teachers in shadow education only show the results and facts directly to the pupils then let pupils recite these results and facts.Later on,teachers will assign oceans of similar questions and homework to pupils in order to repeat and strengthen pupils’ memory of these.In this case,though pupils “really” obtain something from shadow education,actually they just get some skills to face with the examination.
  When interviewing,mainstream teachers give affirmation that the pupils take more active in answering the questions.However,they also point out the hazards shadow education gives rise to,especially in the maths.Sometimes,when teacher just give a situation setting to introduce the contents will learn,some pupils can directly shout out the results and the facts of the contents.They even hope teachers not to give situation setting and introduction but directly jump into the stage of exercise.The present social morbid psychology haste-in-progress are strengthened among the pupils silently.They just pursue the accurate consequences of question instead of exploring it by themselves.This phenomenon implies that shadow education obliterates the pupils’ desire for knowledge and curiosity about learning.What’s worse,it limits the exploration of the creativity and logicality,which will do a further harm to their development.   Generally speaking,the status quo of  “Exercise Strategy” is contrary to the target of  “Quality Education” .The intensity and same contents of shadow education place a greater pressure on pupils and exploit their space for free development of interests and all-around development.If shadow education is let alone,the present morbid social psychology--haste in progress will be strengthened to some extents.
  2 The Influences on the Mainstream Schooling
  The prosperity of shadow education can promote the increase of employment without any doubt,especially for the retired teachers.However,its high salary and great profit also attract some in-service mainstream teachers to join in this tide.According to the survey about the profession of teachers in shadow education,it is showed that 34% of them are some teachers in the mainstream school.Most of them choose to enter the tutoring is the high salary.Though per capital income has been increased generously,the rising price of goods has suspended the increase of income,which leads to the decrease of affordability.Besides,the salary of mainstream teachers hasn’t got huge promotion,they have more difficulties supporting their families.This causes them to change their positions or alert to shadow education.
  These teachers sometimes even set up the tutoring class on holiday and require their students to participate in it.In order to lure more students,they will reduce the volume of knowledge in the mainstream class,instead,put these reduced knowledge in their tutoring class,which certainly will damage the order of mainstream education.What’s worse,these teachers will leave a negative impression on the pupils and make them hostile to their future teachers,this attitude will ruin pupils’ further study.
  Teachers setting up private tutoring can’t cover all of the mainstream teachers.Some of mainstream teachers complain that they cannot grasp the process of the mainstream class because students enter different tutoring organizations,in these organizations,the tutors have taught pupils ahead of the in-school process,which results in the various knowledge needs of pupils in mainstream class.On the side,shadow education account for most of pupils’ spare time that pupils don’t have enough time to have a rest but can’t stop feeling sleepy and even falling asleep in the mainstream class.Based on what have mentioned,shadow education has distorted the normal teaching of mainstream school.
摘 要:孩子们的歌声则是这个世界上最纯净的音符体现。在大力提倡素质教育的今天,童声合唱同样也成为了清纯、高雅的艺术代名词,在不断发发展与进步的过程中,童声合唱也以自身所独具的魅力和内在团队合作精神被广大小学生所接受。下面就来结合实际教学经验,对小学音乐课堂中感悟合唱魅力关键展开研究,希望能够为广大同行业从业教师带来启迪。  关键词:音乐课堂;合唱魅力;研究  作为小学音乐教学中不可缺少的核心构成要
摘 要:有效性是课堂教学的生命,教师要了解学生的基础和兴趣,激发他们的学习兴趣,让学生能成为学习的主人,提高口语表达和交际能力,培养英语思维和素养。本文参考新版人教小学英语的教学实际为新课改后的教学模式进行了研究探讨,希望对广大教师有借鉴意义。  关键词:小学英语;教学途径;新课改  小学英语课程是英语科目学习的初始阶段,学生在进入初中、高中后对英语的兴趣,对英语的认可度大多取决于小学阶段的学习。
摘 要:语文教育是以提高学生的语文素质为教学目的的,尤其是小学语文教学,更要引导学生掌握这门基础学科,只有提高学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的学习能力,才能提高语文课堂教学效率,才能更好地学习语文,为今后的学习与工作打好基礎。  关键词:语文素养;学习兴趣;课堂效率  语文教育是以提高学生的语文素质为教学目的的,尤其是小学语文教学,更要引导学生掌握这门基础学科,只有学好了语文,才能更好地学习与工作,才能
摘 要:幼兒语言教育是幼儿园课程的核心内容。抓好幼儿语言教育,对提高幼儿的语言表达、人际交往和未来阅读书写能力,提升国民素质的作用不可低估。本文在分析目前幼儿语言教育现状基础上,着力从创设语言环境、实施创造性教育、贯彻因材施教原则、引导幼儿讲述等多方面,提出加强和改进幼儿语言教育的措施与方法,期盼获得广大同仁的启发和帮助。  关键词:幼儿语言教育;问题;措施;反思  一、幼儿语言教育的问题与不足 
摘 要:云南民族民间手工艺是云南民族文化的重要组成部分,本文开展对其应用于中职院校的教育教学领域中的调查与研究,对于云南传统文化的继承与弘扬、中职院校特色专业的建设与发展具有积极的推动作用。  关键词:中职;民族民间手工艺;教育教学  1.前言  在云南众多资源中最丰富、最有开发价值、对外最有吸引力、对内最有聚合力和最具可持续发展前景的是民族民间工艺资源。云南省确立的建设“民族文化大省”、“绿色经
摘 要:在国家教育部门的倡导下,我国素质教育水平得到了显著提高。为了满足社会对于技术型人才的需求,高职教育也受到了社会大众的关注与重视。对于高职院校而言,要想提高教学水平与教学质量,必须不断优化课程设置,注重课堂教学。慕课的出现则为高职院校的发展提供了更好的发展机会,因此本文将针对“慕课”背景下高职院校教育教学改革进行研究,希望能够真正推进高职院校教学模式的转变和教学方法的创新。  关键词:“慕课
摘 要:初中英语,难度最大的就是写作,学生常会出现词汇单调、句型错误,甚至无从下手等问题,这就对教育工作者提出了更高的要求,在帮助学生夯实基础的同时,应该积极探索,培养优化他们的思维能力,本文对如何在英语写作中培养英语思维进行讨论。  关键词:初中;英语写作;思维品质  对于初中学生来说,英语学习主要包括听、说、读、写这四个方面,听说读在日常学习中训练很多,也容易提高,写作在考试中成了难点,很多学