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目的探究对脑梗死患者应用责任制整体护理服务模式的临床效果。方法择取我院收治的脑梗死患者86例作为本次研究对象,随机将其等分为研究组和参照组,每组各43例,参照组患者行常规护理,研究组患者在常规护理基础上行责任制整体护理服务模式,观察比较两组患者在接受护理前后的运动功能评分(FMA)、日常生活能力评分(ADL)以及神经缺损程度评分(CSS)。结果接受护理后,研究组患者的运动功能评分和日常生活能力评分显著高于参照组,研究组患者的神经缺损程度评分显著低于参照组,组间数据差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论针对脑梗死患者应用责任制整体护理服务模式,能够显著提升患者的运动功能评分和日常生活能力评分,降低患者的神经缺损程度评分,提升患者预后质量和治疗效果,值得临床普及运用。 Objective To explore the clinical effect of applying the responsibility-based holistic nursing service model to patients with cerebral infarction. Methods Totally 86 patients with cerebral infarction admitted to our hospital were randomly divided into study group and reference group, with 43 cases in each group. The patients in reference group received routine nursing. Patients in study group were divided into two groups based on routine nursing The system of holistic nursing service with upward responsibility system observed and compared the scores of motor function (FMA), daily living ability (ADL) and neurological deficit scores (CSS) before and after receiving nursing care. Results After nursing, the motor function scores and daily living ability scores of the study group were significantly higher than those of the reference group. The score of neurological deficit in the study group was significantly lower than that of the reference group, and the difference between the groups was statistically significant (P0.05) . Conclusion The application of the responsibility-based holistic nursing service model for patients with cerebral infarction can significantly improve patients’ motor function score and daily living ability score, reduce the degree of neurological deficit score, and improve the prognosis quality and treatment effect of patients, worthy of clinical popularization and application.
一天,太阳公公生病了,没有去站岗值班。没有了太阳公公的看管,小草不再生长,花儿不再开放,天上到处是游荡的乌云,不一会儿,狂风也开始造反了,吹得乌云“哇哇”大哭起来。 On
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我们是饭店里唯一带着孩子的食客。突然,4岁的儿子艾瑞克变得兴奋起来。我想,一定是什么东西吸引了他。我环顾四周,看到一个衣衫褴褛、蓬头垢面的老人,他趿拉着一双张着嘴的破鞋子,正冲着艾瑞克挥手。  我想,老人也许精神不太正常,可能会伤着艾瑞克。此时,饭店里的每个人都注意到了这个细节,忽而看看我们,忽而又望望那位老人。我们打算立即离开。我丈夫去买单,嘱咐我和儿子到门外等他。而那位老人就坐在门口。  当我
一天我放学回家,看见妈妈正在收拾我的东西,有衣服、鞋子、书,还有许多新文具,装了满满三大包。“妈妈,你把我的东西装包里干什么呀?”我好奇地问道。 One day I came home
夏天的荷花池上,飘着香味的清风微微吹来,清澈见底的池水笑出了一个个小酒窝。碧绿碧绿的荷叶像一把把撑开的大伞,几朵荷花苞张开粉红的笑脸,在快乐地唱歌。 Summer lotus p
我叫艾莫。我在这里已经躺了多少年了?七千万年?或者还不到,或者已经超出了?这里永远是那么黑,那么冷,这使我的等待更漫长了。啊,没有比无休止的等待再乏味的了。 My name i