Elastoplastic damage model for concrete based on consistent free energy potential

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nbf1smt
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The aim of this study is to formulate an appropriate free energy potential for inelastic behavior of concrete and construct an elastoplastic damage model on a more rational basis.The concept of effective plastic energy storage rates is proposed,which are conjugate forces of hardening variables in an undamaged configuration.Then an analogy between the evolution of hardening variables and that of a plastic strain is used to postulate the formulation of plastic free energy.This formulation reflects the specific characteristics of a certain plasticity model,so it can serve well as a thermodynamic link between plasticity and damage.By combination of the general formulation of free energy with the double hardening plasticity theory and two-parameter damage expression,a thermodynamically well-founded elastoplastic damage model for concrete is constructed.The operator split algorithm is employed,and the numerical simulations agree well with a series of material tests. The aim of this study is to formulate an appropriate free energy potential for inelastic behavior of concrete and construct an elastoplastic damage model on a more rational basis. The concept of effective plastic energy storage rates rates is proposed, which are conjugate forces of hardening variables in an undamaged configuration.Then an analogy between the evolution of hardening variables and that of a plastic strain is used to postulate the formulation of plastic free energy. this formulation reflects the specific characteristics of a certain plasticity model, so it can serve well as a thermodynamic link between plasticity and damage. By combination of the general formulation of free energy with the double hardening plasticity theory and two-parameter damage expression, a thermodynamically well-founded elastoplastic damage model for concrete is constructed. and the numerical simulations agree well with a series of material tests.
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