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江泽民同志在“建党七十周年讲话”中指出:“我们要变精神力量为巨大的物质力量.引导亿万人民共同建设有中国特色的社会主义.”精神力量变物质力量,说到底,就是要挖掘人的内在潜力,调动人的积极性.人既是精神力量的载体和主体,又是“精神变物质”的媒介和基础.因此,要想从基础抓好“精神变物质”的工作.就必须善于启发人实现最优化的自我调控.本文试就这个问题,作如下探讨. 一、人实现最优化自我调控的内涵与根据所谓自我调控,顾名思义,就是自己对自己的调节与控制,使思想与行为不断适应客观环境的需要与要求,使个人意识与社会意识相协调.自我调控是每个人都具备的功能.这种功能发挥得如何,将直接影响到社会这部“大机器”运转的效果,也将直接影响到“精神变物质”工作的成败.因此.我们必须努力启发人实现最优化的自我调控、 Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out in his “speech on the seventieth anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China:” We must change the spiritual force into a huge material force and lead hundreds of millions of people in jointly building socialism with Chinese characteristics. “Spiritual forces become material forces after all, Digging people’s inherent potential and mobilizing people’s enthusiasm.People are not only the carrier and main body of spiritual power but also the medium and foundation of ”spiritual change of materiality.“ Therefore, in order to grasp the ”spiritual change of materiality“ from the foundation, we must Good at inspiring people to achieve the optimal self-regulation.This article try this issue, the following discussion.First, to achieve the optimal self-regulation of connotation and According to the so-called self-regulation, as the name suggests, that is, their own regulation and control, so that thinking and Behavior constantly adapt to the needs and requirements of the objective environment so that personal awareness and social awareness are coordinated self-regulation is that everyone has the function of how this function is played, will directly affect the social operation of the ”big machine“ effect , Will also directly affect the success or failure of the work of ”spiritual change of material." Therefore, we must strive to inspire people to achieve the optimal self-regulation,
除面神经带状疱疹外,合并运动障碍者尚属罕见。1983~1988年笔者经治了3例伴运动障碍的带状疱疹患者,报告如下。例1 住院号59965,男,67岁,1988年10月10日,右前额近中线发现4~5
丙戊酸钠治疗癫痫作发胰腺炎很少见,国外仅有几例报告,国内还未见报告。现将我们遇到的1例报告如下。 患者 男,12岁。2年前出现阵发性意识丧失伴小便失禁服癫健胺、苯巴比妥
扒不了,骗不走,偷不去,抢不了。知识财富与你共存亡。读书看杂志是增长知识的一种方法。 流行性感冒和普通感冒,为人们熟知病毒性呼吸道感染疾病,除此之外,尚有鼻病毒、腺病