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模具行业在国民经济的发展中占有十分重要的地位。成批和大量生产的电子、仪表以及各种机电产品都需要各种类型的模具来制造零件。否則就无法进行成批和大量生产,也不能进行新产品的开发及老产品的更新换代。国内模具行业尚未完全形成独立的工业体系,与国外先进工业国家相比,技术与管理水平都很低。电子与仪表行业的产品,90%以上的零件靠各种类型的模具加工制造,而目前模具生产与管理水平不适应电子与仪表行业迅速发展生产的需要。我院受机械部仪表局和计划司的委托,曾在1982年和1986年先后两次组织人力对全国电子、仪表行业主要骨干厂家的模具生产与管理现状及存在问题进行了较长时间的调研,并根据调研掌握的情况及行业科技情报系统提供的信息,编制了全国电子与仪表系统《模具行业“七五”技术装备政策和加工设备发展规划》。本文仅就国内电子与仪表行业的模具生产现状、存在问题及改进建议作一简要论述,供参考。 Mold industry in the development of the national economy occupies a very important position. Mass and mass production of electronics, instrumentation, and a variety of mechanical and electrical products require a variety of molds to manufacture parts. Otherwise, mass production and mass production are impossible, and new product development and replacement of old products can not be carried out. Domestic mold industry has not yet completely formed an independent industrial system, compared with advanced industrial countries abroad, the technology and management level is very low. Electronic and instrumentation industry products, more than 90% of the parts by various types of mold manufacturing, and the current level of mold production and management does not meet the rapid development of electronics and instrumentation industry needs. Commission by the Ministry of Mechanical Instrument Bureau and the Planning Department commissioned in 1982 and 1986, has organized two manpower on the country’s electronics, instrumentation, the backbone of the major manufacturers of mold production and management status quo and existing problems for a longer period of research According to the information provided by the scientific and technological intelligence system of the industry, the “75th Five-Year Plan of Technical Equipment Policy and Processing Equipment Development for Die & Mold Industry” of the National Electronic and Instrumentation System was compiled. This article only on the domestic electronics and instrument industry mold production status, problems and suggestions for improvement for a brief discussion for reference.
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