Phlebotomus papatasi and Meriones libycus as the vector and reservoir host of cutaneous leishmaniasi

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abc1234Shi
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Objective:To determine the sand flies species responsible for most transmission of Leishmania major(L major) to human,as well as to determine the main reservoir hosts of the disease. Methods:Sand flies were collected using sticky papers and mounted in Puri’s medium for species identification.Rodents were trapped by live Sherman traps.Both sand flies and rodents were subjected to molecular methods for detection of leishmanial parasite.Results:Phlebotomus papatasi(P.papatasi) was the common species in outdoor and indoor resting places.Employing PCR technique only three specimens of 150 P.papatasi(2%) were found naturally infected by parasites with a band of 350 bp which is equal to the L major parasite.Forty six rodents were captured by Sherman traps and identified.Microscopic investigation on blood smear of the animals for amastigote parasites revealed 1(3.22%) infected Meriones libycus(M.libycus). Infection of this animal to L.major was confirmed by PCR against rDNA loci of the parasite. Conclusions:This is the first molecular report of parasite infection of both vector(P.papatasi) and reservoir(M.libycus) to L major in the region.The results indicated that P.papatasi was the primary vector of the disease and circulating the parasite between human and reservoirs and M. libycus was the most important host reservoir for maintenance of the parasite source in the area. Methods: Sand flies were collected using sticky papers and mounted in Puri’s medium for species identification. Rodents were trapped by live Sherman traps. Both sand flies and rodents were subjected to molecular methods for detection of leishmanial parasite. Results: Phlebotomus papatasi (P. papatasi) was the common species in outdoor and indoor resting places. ImpMENT PCR technique only three specimens of 150 P. papatasi (2%) were found naturally infected by parasites with a band of 350 bp which is equal to the L major parasite. Forty six rodents were captured by Sherman traps and identified. Microscopic investigation on blood smear of the animals for amastigote parasites revealed 1 (3.22%) infected Meriones libycus (M. libycus). Infection of this animal to L. major was confirmed by PCR against rDNA loci of the parasit Conclusions: This is the first molecular report of parasite infection of both vector (P.papatasi) and reservoir (M.libycus) to L major in the region. The results indicated that P.papatasi was the primary vector of the disease and circulating the parasite between human and reservoirs and M. libycus was the most important host reservoir for maintenance of the parasite source in the area.
新课改倡导素质教育,提倡育德为先,但十多年过去了,立德树人还有那么多的无奈。本文分析了德育教育火不起来的原因并提出了让德育火起来的有效策略。 The new curriculum re
摘要:问题是开启学生思维,促进学习有效学习的重要手段。综观当前课堂教学现状,课堂提问华而不实,流于形式,效果不佳,难以充分调动学生,促进学生综合发展。因此,在初中数学课堂教学中,教师要不断思考与探索,优选有效方法,做到有效提问,从而构建高效灵动课堂。对此,笔者结合自身教学实践,对初中数学课堂有效提问提出了自己的几点建议,以作抛砖引玉。  关键词:初中数学;课堂提问;有效性  中图分类号:G633.
The pyogenic liver abscess caused by Clostridium perfringens (C. perfringens ) is a rare, but rapidly fatal infection. It is usually associated with malignancy