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  ( )1. —Why didn’t you give the wallet to the man at once?
   —He _______ before I realized it was his.
  A. had been disappeared
  B. has disappeared
  C. had disappeared
  D. has been disappeared
  ( )2. —Is Runyang Bridge open to the public yet?
  —Yes. It _______ for almost one and a half months.
  A. has opened B. has being openedC. has been openD. was open
  ( )3. —What happened to the thief later?
  —The king had him _______ the next day.
  A. hungB .hanged
  C. hang D. hanging
  ( )4. The world’s population is getting larger and larger, so scientists are trying to ______ new ways to solve the food problem.
  A. catch up with B. keep up with
  C. come up with D. make up with
  ( )5. —I think Miss Gao must be in the library. She said she would go there.
  —No, she _______ be there. I’ve just been there.
  A. can’t B. mustn’t
   C. needn’t D. wouldn’t
  ( )6. We all _______ how he made such great progress in a short time.
  A. believed B. thought
  C. decided D. wondered
  ( )7. It will _______ you about thirteen hours to fly to England from Hong Kong.
  A. spend B. take C. use D. pay
   ( )8. _______ more clothes. It’s snowing heavily outside.
  A. Put on B. Turn on
   C. Get onD. Go on
  ( )9. It’s hard to say who will _______ the match in the end. They are neck and neck.
  A. win B. beat C. fight D. play
  ( )10. Keep quiet,please. They ______ a meeting right now.
  A. have B. had
  C. are having D. have had
  ( )11. I don’t feel like _______ now. I prefer to have a walk after supper.
  A. run B. running
  C. to run D. runs
  ( )12. —Have you finished reading “Harry Potter V”?
  — _______. I still have some pages.
  A. Yes, I do B. No, I don’t
  C. Yes, I haveD. No I haven’t
  ( )13. —What are you _______ over there?
  —My watch, but I can’t it.
  A. seeing; find B. watching;look
  C. looking for; find D. finding; see
  ( )14. After such a long journey,the children _______ be very tired now.
  A. can B. must
  C. have to D. need
  ( )15 . Again and again the doctor _______ the crying girl, but he couldn’t find out what was wrong with her.
  A. looked over B. looked after
  C. looked for D. looked out
  ( )16. —What are you going to do this weekend?
  —I _______ yet.
  A. haven’t decided B. won’t decide
  C. have decided D. didn’t decide
  ( )17. —Did you see the traffic accident yesterday?
   —Yes. It happened when I _______ past the museum.
  A. walk B. am walking
  C. will walk D. was walking
  ( )18. Oh, it’s raining very hard! Our sports meeting has to be _______ till next Sunday.
  A. put off B. put down
  C. put away D. put on
  ( )19. I’ll give a talk tomorrow. I’m thinking about _______.
  A. what to say B. how to say
  C. what can I say D. how can I say
  ( )20. You _______ play with fire, Tom. It’s dangerous.
  A. needn’t B. may not
  C. mustn’t D. wouldn’t
  ( )21. My sister doesn’t like the dress. She thinks it makes her _______ fat.
  A. look B. looks C. to look D. looked
  ( )22. You _______ worry about him. He will get well soon.
  A. needn’t B. can’t
  C. mustn’t D. may not
  ( )23. This pair of shoes is nice. Can I
  A. put on them B. put up them
  C. try them on D. turn them on
  ( )24. —Mum, I’m hungry.
  —What about going to McDonald’s _______ fried chicken?
  A. eat B. to eatC. eatingD.and eat
  ( )25. —It’s time for sports! _______ your sports shoes, please!
  —I’m tired today. I want to have a rest.
  A. Take away B. Take off
  C. Put on D. Put up
  ( )26. —Can you answer my question,Lily?
  —Yes, I_______ .
  A. can B. need C. must D. may
  ( )27. —What are you doing, Jim?
  —I _______ a beautiful horse.
  A. draw B. drew
  C. am drawingD. was drawing
  ( )28. I have many interesting books to
  A. see B. look C. watchD. read
  ( )29.—What’s wrong with you? Youlook so tired.
  —Last night I _______ sleep well.
  A. couldn’t B. wouldn’t
  C. mustn’t D. needn’t
  ( )30. —Have you read this book?
   —Yes. I _______ it two weeks ago.
  A. is reading B. have read
   C. will read D. read
  1-5 CCBCA
   6-10 DBAAC
  16-20 ADAAC
  21- 25 AACBC
【正】 一民主集中制是社会主义国家的根本政治制度和组织原则。为什么要采用这种政治制度和组组原则呢?这由于无产阶级和广大劳动人民,为了革命,为了解放自己,为了建设社会
【正】 中国共产党中央委员会向第八次全国代表大会的政治报告,以及中国共产党第八次全国代表大会关于政治报告的决议中,明确地提出了,我国从资本主义过渡到社会主义的政权性
【正】 (一)犯罪的预备行为是犯罪活动的最初阶段,预谋的案件,总是具有一定的预备行为,表现在犯罪人寻求犯罪的工具,创造犯罪的适当环境和寻找共犯等。由此可见,犯罪的预备行
【正】 行政管理必须法制化。国家行政机关必须依法活动,而其正当的行政权威也必须得到法律的切实保障和维护。行政强制执行,就是保障国家行政活动顺利进行,维护行政权威的有
【正】 美国的法院系统结构怎样?它们受理哪些案件?司法审判权在它们当中是如何分配的?本文就这几方面的问题,向读者提供一些背景知识。要想了解美国的法院系统,首先得要了解
【正】 系统工程是二十世纪后半期产生的一门工程技术,作为一门新兴学科,系统工程理论已经在工业、农业,国民经济计划和社会的各个领域得到广泛的应用.很多哲学和社会科学工