A perusal on the correlation of pesticide application on tobacco growing in the districts of NWFP-Pa

来源 :Chinese Journal of Geochemistry | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ppaann850729
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Tobacco is an important cash crop in Pakistan. It is a sensitive plant prone to many bacterial, fungal, and viral diseases. It is also attacked by several species of worms, beetles and moths. Therefore high levels of pesticides are used to grow tobacco. T Tobacco is an important cash crop in Pakistan. It is a sensitive plant prone to many bacterial, fungal, and viral diseases. It is also attacked by several species of worms, beetles and moths. Therefore high of pesticides are used to grow tobacco. T
题名作者 ·期·页 ·评论与综述·铝板带多机架热连轧工艺及罐料热轧………………………………………………………………周奕全张义斌王祝堂热加工工艺对鼬一Mg—si系合金型
黄初升教授!宣传部 Professor Huang Chunsheng Propaganda Department
研制了内河中小型船用柴油机气阀磨削装置 ,优化了气阀磨削工艺 ,并对多种柴油机的进、排气阀进行磨削修复。检测表明 ,气阀锥面角准确 ,表面粗糙度可稳定达到Ra0 .4~ 0 .8μm
丁肇中教授是蜚声全球的物理学大师。二○○○年六月,他第二次回到故乡山东省日照市。一 Professor Ding Zhaozhong is a world renowned master of physics. In June 2000
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