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诗仙——李白,唐代诗人。其诗雄奇豪放,想像丰富,充满浪漫主义色彩。贺知章赞其诗,把他比作天上下凡的“仙人”,故后世称他为“诗仙”。诗圣——杜甫,唐代诗人。其诗气势雄浑、绚丽含蓄,具有较高的思想性和艺术性。历代许多诗人都把他的诗奉为学习典范尊,其为“诗圣”。诗佛——王维,唐代诗人。他以禅入诗,开拓了山水田园诗的表现领域,打造出山水田园诗空明净逸的境界,故有“诗佛”之称。诗魔——白居易,唐代诗人。其诗语言流畅,通俗 Poetry Fairy - Li Bai, Tang Dynasty poet. His poems are bold and unrestrained. His imagination is rich and full of romanticism. He Zhizhang praised the poetry and compared him to the “celestial person” who descended from heaven and earth. Therefore, he was later called “poetry fairy.” Poem Saint - Du Fu, Tang Dynasty poet. Its poetic style is magnificent, beautiful and subtle, with high ideological and artistic. Many poets of all ages took his poems as a model of learning, which is a “poetry.” Poetry Buddha - Wang Wei, Tang Dynasty poet. He used Zen Buddhism to open up the field of expression of landscape and pastoral poetry, and to create a landscape of idyllic cleanliness of landscape and pastoral poetry. Therefore, he has the title of “Shifo”. Poetry magic - Bai Juyi, Tang Dynasty poet. Its poetic language is fluent and popular
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细胞的结构和功能、细胞增殖等内容一直是高考的重点,而细胞分化、细胞全能性等与细胞工程有关的内容又是高考的热点。因此,在复习备考时学生要牢固把握这部分内容的 The st
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本文得到一个含五个任意时间函数的度规,它描述任意加速带电质点(天体)的引力场。在特殊情况下,此度规分别退化为 Reissner—Nordstrm 度规和Kinnersley 度规;在更特殊的情