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目前,“全国教书育人楷模”评选结果正式揭晓。上海市杨浦高级中学于漪、河南省林州市横水镇卸甲平村小学王生英、湖南农业大学石雪晖、四川省平武县南坝中学任维鼎、江苏省南京市北京东路小学附属幼儿园吴邵萍、湖北省蕲春县第四中学汪金权、北京大学姜伯驹、天津市电子计算机职业中等专业学校徐英杰、福建省三明市特殊教育学校黄金莲、西藏自治区仲巴县仁多乡完全小学普琼等等10位教师获“全国教书育人楷模”荣誉称号,山东省平度市祝沟镇沙埠小学丁万寿、河北省秦皇岛市第七中学王建国、重庆市开县白泉乡平安希望中心小学群岭村校王洪春、新疆生产建设兵团农十四师一牧场中心小学达芳、新疆维吾尔自治区伽师县英买里乡中学吐提姑·依地热斯、山西省介休市绵山镇兴地小学乔志勇、陕西省山阳中学仰孝升、贵州省沿河土家族自治县后坪乡茨坝小学刘恩和、广东省龙门县蓝田瑶族乡中心小学江润浓、吉林大学孙正聿、宁夏回族自治区固原市原州区张易中学杨秀花、江西省永修县三溪桥镇中心小学邹有云、安徽省黟县宏潭乡毛田小学汪来九、青海省玉树州职业技术学校陈光明、云南省勐海县打洛镇边境小学陈自华、广西大学陈保善、浙江省杭州市工读学校周文耀、黑龙江省哈尔滨市南马路小学赵翠娟、大连海事大学贾凤姿、内蒙古自治区阿巴嘎旗蒙古族中学高娃、海南省工业学校陶海林、甘肃省文县桥头小学蒲云昌等22位教师获“全国教书育人楷模”提名奖。教育部随即下发通知,决定在全国教育系统开展向全国教书育人楷模学习的活动。通知指出,全国教书育人楷模集中体现了新时期人民教师忠诚党的教育事业,热爱祖国、服务人民,教书育人、为人师表的高尚师德和无私奉献精神,是广大教师和教育工作者的杰出代表。通知要求,广大教师和教育工作者要以全国教书育人楷模为榜样,学习他们教书育人、淡泊名利、恪尽职守的奉献精神,严谨笃学、刻苦钻研、求真务实的敬业精神,志存高远、自强不息、奋发有为的进取精神,努力成为学生爱戴、家长信任、人民满意的优秀教师。为响应教育部通知精神,本刊从本期始开辟“‘全国教书育人楷模’先进事迹系列报道”专栏,采取多种方式,全方位展现他们感人和迷人的风采。 At present, “national model of teaching and educating people,” the results of the official announcement. Shanghai Yangpu High School YU Yi, Wang Shui-ying of Pingjia Primary School of Hengshui Township, Linzhou City, Henan Province, Shi Xuehui of Hunan Agricultural University, Renbaiding of Nanba Middle School of Pingwu County of Sichuan Province, Wu Shao, an elementary school affiliated to Beijing East Road, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province, Ping, Hubei Province Qichun fourth middle school Wang Jinquan, Peking University Jiang Boju, Tianjin Computer professional secondary schools Xu Yingjie, Sanming City, Fujian Province Special Education School gold lotus, Tibet Autonomous Region, Ten teachers were awarded the honorary title of “Teaching and Educating People in China”, Ding Wushou, Shabu Primary School, Zhugou Town, Pingdu City, Shandong Province, Wang Jianguo, the seventh middle school of Qinhuangdao City, Hebei Province, and Pingquan Hope Center, Baiquan Township, Kaixian County, Village schools Wang Hongchun, Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps farmers fourteen division a pasture Central Primary School Darfur, Jiari County, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Yingmai Township Middle School Tuiti Gu Yi Di Ge, Shanxi Province Jiexiu Mianshan town primary school Qiao Zhiyong, Yangxiao Sheng, Shaanxi Province Sanyo Middle School, Liu Enhe, Hou Ping Township, Houtian County, Guizhou Province, Township Central Primary School Jiang Runnong, Sun Yat-yu of Jilin University, Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region Yuanzhou District Zhang Yi Middle School Yang Xiuhua, Jiangxi Province Yongxiu Sanxiqiao Town Central Primary School Zou Youyun, Anhui Province Pixian Hong Tan Township Primary School Wanglai nine, Qinghai Province Chen Shui-ming, Yushu Vocational and Technical School, Chen Zihua, Border Town Primary School, Dalu Town, Menghai County, Yunnan Province, Chen Baoshan, Guangxi University, Zhou Wenyao, Workplace School of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, Zhao Cuijuan, Nanma Road Elementary School, Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, Jia Fengzi, Dalian Maritime University Gao Baowa Mongolian High School of Baga Banner, Tao Hailin of Hainan Industrial School, and Pu Yunchang of Qiaotou Primary School of Wenxian County, Gansu Province, were awarded 22 awards of “Model of National Teaching and Educating People”. Immediately afterwards, the Ministry of Education issued a circular and decided to launch activities in the national education system that will teach role models throughout the country. The circular pointed out that the model of teaching and educating people throughout the country embodies in a concentrated manner the noble teachers and selfless dedication of people’s teachers loyal to the party’s education, love of the motherland, serving the people, teaching and educating people, as well as the teachers and educators Outstanding representative The circular requires that the majority of teachers and educators take the example of teaching and educating people across the country and learn from their dedication, fame and fortune, dedication, rigorous dedication, hard work, pragmatic dedication and ambition , Self-improvement, energetic and enterprising spirit, and strive to become students love, parents trust, the people satisfied with the outstanding teachers. In response to the circular issued by the Ministry of Education, this magazine has opened up a series of columns entitled “National Model of Teaching and Educating People with Advanced Deeds” in this issue to take a variety of ways to show them all the touching and charming style.
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