Dynamic response to road roughness on a tractor-semitrailer system with driver body model

来源 :Journal of University of Science and Technology Beijing(Engl | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mailyangli
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A linear mass-spring system model of a tractor-semitrailer together with driver body parts and sprung seat is presented. Natural frequencies of the system are calculated and response of components in the system to road roughness is completed by means of computer simulation and power spectral density (PSD) approach in all of road conditions and loading cases. The results show that the severest situation of response of the system occurs when the road in rough condition and vehicle unladen. The most sensitive frequency to human body parts is around 0.9 Hz, and model types of a human body seem to be not significant to the response of a heavy tractor-semitrailer system, including to the response of the driver himself. A linear mass-spring system model of a tractor-semitrailer together with driver body parts and sprung seat is presented. Natural frequencies of the system are calculated and response of components in the system to road roughness is completed by means of computer simulation and power spectral density (PSD) approach in all of road conditions and loading cases. The results show that the severest situation of response of the system occurs when the road in rough condition and vehicle unladen. The most sensitive frequency to human body parts is around 0.9 Hz, and model types of a human body seem to be not significant to the response of a heavy tractor-semitrailer system, including to the response of the driver himself.
文章介绍了一种模拟设备到LonWorks现场总线的智能控制节点的硬件电路及软件设计方法。它具有成本低、集成度高、组网方便等优点 ,经实验验证是切实可行的 This paper intro
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