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鞍山市是2010年全国17个公立医院改革试点城市之一。几年来,紧紧围绕保证医院公益属性,提高人民群众健康绩效的改革目标,按照“管办分开、政事分开”的改革原则,以建立公立医院法人治理结构为抓手,以科学严格的公立医院绩效评价监管体系为保证,积极构建适应经济社会发展需要的公立医院服务管理体制,取得了良好的进展和效果。2010年,为促进公立医院改革,转变卫生部门行政职能,鞍山市根据全国统一部署,研究制定了 Anshan City is one of the pilot cities for the reform of 17 public hospitals in China in 2010. In the past few years, the reform goal of ensuring the public welfare properties of hospitals and improving the people’s health performance has been closely followed. In accordance with the principle of “separation of management from operation and division of government affairs,” the principle of establishing a corporate governance structure in public hospitals, Public hospital performance evaluation and supervision system as a guarantee, and actively build to meet the needs of economic and social development of public hospital service management system, and achieved good progress and results. In 2010, in order to promote the reform of public hospitals and transform the administrative functions of the health sector, Anshan City, in accordance with the unified national deployment, worked out
1东风本田思域轿车遥控钥匙手工匹配操作方法(1)接通点火开关(置于ON位)。(2)重复下列步骤3次:在4 s内按锁止或开锁按钮;在4 s内断开点火开关(置于OFF位);在4 s内接通点火开
川芎嗪具有扩张血管、改善微循环、抑制血小板聚集的作用。我科应用川芎嗪治疗各种肾脏病并血液高凝状态已10余年,仅发现5例病人发生过敏反应,现分析如下。1 临床资料  5
钻井速度对油气勘探开发速度及效益具有重要影响。本文概述了钻井机械钻速的主要影响因素,介绍了几种较新的钻速预测方法,并提出了钻井机械钻速的优化方案。 Drilling speed
目的了解石棉县手足口病流行特征及病原体分布情况,为制定防制措施提供科学诊据。方法对石棉县2010~2012年报告的手足口病监测资料进行描述性流行病学分析。结果 2010~2012年共
The therapeutic potential of curcumin(Cur) is hampered by its poor aqueous solubility and low bioavailability. The aim of this study was to determine whether Cu
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故障现象一辆2010年生产的广汽传祺轿车(采用2.0 L发动机和5挡RMT变速器),累计行驶约2.1万km,出现开空调时空调压缩机不工作,电子风扇不运转的故障。故障诊断广汽传祺轿车制