Pathogenic effects of O-polysaccharide from Shigella flexneri strain

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lw4564
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AIM To investigate the specific pathogenesis ofO-polysaccharide (O--PS) which is on the outermembrane of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) fromShigella fi~eri.METHODS The O--PS was isolated and purifiedfrom Shigella nexneri 5 MgoT by enzymatichydrolysis and gel chromatography. Effects ofO--PS were observed by in vitro experiment,(HeLa cell Culture ), and in vivo experiment(rabbit lieal loop assay).RESULTS ID vitro and in vivo e-cP6riments withthe purified O--PS from Shigells flexnefi revealedthat the O--PS alone was toxic to Hela cells andcaused mucosal inflammation and hemorrhagicexudation in lieal loop of rabbit.DISCUSSION O--PS might b6 one of the factorscausing diarrhea and its mechanism wasdifferent from endotoxin reaction of LPS. Themolecular mechanism of O-PS need furtherstudies. AIM To investigate the specific pathogenesis of O-polysaccharide (O - PS) which is on the outer membrane of lipopolysaccharides (LPS) from Shigella fi ~ eri.METHODS The O - PS was isolated and purified from Shigella nexneri 5 MgoT by enzymatichydrolysis and gel chromatography. Effects of O - PS were observed by in vitro experiments, (HeLa cell Culture), and in vivo experiment (rabbit lieal loop assay) .RESULTS ID vitro and in vivo e-cP6 modifications with the purified O - PS from Shigells flexnefi revealed that the O --PS alone was toxic to Hela cells andcaused mucosal inflammation and hemorrhagicexudation in lieal loop of rabbit. DISCUSSION O - PS might b6 one of the factorscausing diarrhea and its mechanism were different from endotoxin reaction of LPS. Themolecular mechanism of O-PS need furtherstudies .
编辑同志: 去年第8期《西南民兵》杂志刊登了梁正海口述、我写的《我养的鱼没发病了》的代笔稿,在读者中引起了强烈反响,我收到来信86封,接电话32次,他们要求我介绍一下梁正
我院从1964年开始对中药墓头回抗癌作用初步进行实验研究,其结果为: 1.体外抑制实验;美兰试管法、伊红染色法、体外、体内细胞形态法均表明墓头回提取物对艾氏腹水癌瘤细胞有
我家饲养的笼养鸡,多年来一直饲喂的是浓缩配合饲料,自己虽然按照科学的方法喂养,但随着饲料价格的上涨,养鸡的利润越来越微薄了。有什么办法能使养鸡节料、 The cage-rais
在中国这片广袤的土地上,匍匐着亿万持笔静心,渴望登上象牙塔的学生。与他们同样摩拳擦掌的,还有他们的父母。台湾“虎爸”的风头未过,“狼妈”的热潮又起。令人咋舌的“棍棒教育”过后,我们逐渐反思,究竟该用怎样的教育方式培养祖国的花朵?  满分则收获鲜花和热吻,低了几分便是拳头和巴掌。另一边,截然相异的态度唯一的原因也只是一根“及格线”。看似夸张的漫画背后,折射出的是现代某些家庭中教育思想的僵化和病态。“
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