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去年国庆前后,系列报道《弹指一挥间》在中央电视台新闻联播中出现时,它给我的印象是,不同于一般的成就报道。最近,中央电视台主办《弹指一挥间》评奖活动,我有机会参加评选,仔细观看了所有180条短片。以前收看《弹指一挥间》时,有一种断断续续的感觉。因为它在新闻联播中播了近50天,每天播几分钟。这一次看片则是在两天内看完全部片子,所以,得到的感觉较为完整。我个人认为,《弹指一挥间》与过去一些成就报道相比,至少有两点不同: 其一,人物占据了一席之地。以往,在我们的电视新闻中,很少看到有关新闻人物的报道,尤其是在中央电视台的新闻联播中,更 Before and after the National Day last year, when the series of articles appeared in CCTV newsfeed, it gave me the impression that it differed from the general achievements reported. Recently, CCTV sponsored the “fingertips” awards event, I have the opportunity to participate in the selection, carefully watched all 180 short films. Before watching the “fingertips”, there is a feeling of intermittent. Because it has been broadcast in the news network for nearly 50 days, it broadcasts a few minutes a day. This time to see the film is to watch the whole film within two days, so get a more complete feeling. Personally, I personally think that there are at least two differences between “fingertips” and past achievements reports: First, people occupy a place. In the past, in our television news, seldom saw stories about journalists, especially in CCTV’s news network
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