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自1960年Jacobson 开始应用显微手术吻合直径1.6~3.2毫米的微小血管后,瑞典Swolin 又应用眼镜式放大镜对不育症患者首先作输卵管造口术及粘连分解术.随后澳、美、英等国亦开展了绝育术后及不育症患者的输卵管再通术。随着计划生育工作的开展,绝育者日渐增多,由于各种原因要求作输卵管再通术者亦随之增加。有人认为如能将绝育后的输卵管再通率提高到95%,愿作绝育术者将会增加到24%。我院自1980年1月开始,对家兔采用显微手术作输卵管峡部切断的再吻合术,并对手术中冲洗用液、术后腹腔置药液及家兔受孕率等进行了观察与探讨.方法与结果用2~3公斤家兔46只,分成甲、乙二大组。术时于耳静脉以戊巴比妥麻醉.一、甲组为显微手术组,共16只家兔,在放大10倍的双目显微镜下,避开血管切断二侧输卵管峡部,断端用8~0尼龙线贯穿输卵管壁全层,间断缝合4针,系膜缝合1~2针,术中持续应用复方生理盐水(Ringer 氏溶液)冲洗,保持湿润。术后交配,结果足月分娩11只,占68.8%。 Since 1960, Jacobson began to use microsurgical anastomosis of 1.6 to 3.2 mm in diameter after a small blood vessel, the Swedish Swolin glasses ophthalmic magnifying glass and patients with infertility first tubal ostomy and adhesions decomposition .Australia, the United States, Britain, etc. The country also launched sterilization and postoperative tubal recanalization. With the advent of family planning work, the number of defenders is on the rise, and those who request for tubal recanalization for various reasons also increase. Some people think that if the post-sterilization tubal recanalization rate increased to 95%, would-be sterilization would be increased to 24%. Our hospital from January 1980 onwards, the use of microsurgery in rabbits for tubal isthmus and reoperation, and irrigation fluid during operation, postoperative intraperitoneal solution and rabbit pregnancy rate were observed and discussed Methods and Results 46 rabbits (2 ~ 3 kg) were divided into two groups. Anesthesia in the ear vein with pentobarbital.A group A microsurgical group, a total of 16 rabbits, at a magnification of 10 times the binocular microscope, to avoid blood vessels off the side of the isthmus, end-use 8-0 nylon thread through the entire length of the fallopian tube wall, interrupted suture needle 4, mesangial suture 1 or 2 needles, intraoperative continuous application of saline (Ringer’s solution) rinse, keep moist. After mating, the results of full-term delivery of 11, accounting for 68.8%.
黎明前的黑暗里,孤烟飘摇直上,阴冷的天葬石附近弥漫着浓重的腥气, 苍空盘旋着鹰鹫,天葬台死亡的场面令人震撼并为之征服。 Before the dawn of the darkness, the solitary
血管性假血友病合并足月妊娠者罕见。我院自1949年以来,在171,210例次分娩中仅见一例,现报道如下: 袁××,25岁,于1981年6月15日因血管性假血友病合并足月妊娠,由外院转入本
一、为什么妊娠中毒症这个病名要废弃不用?应采用什么名称较为合理? 妊娠中毒症是孕产妇特有的常见病,由于到目前为止,在患该症时,並未发现有毒素存在,故主张废除这个病名。
近日,北汽昌河首款SUV——Q25在北京国家游泳中心“水立方”正式上市,售价区间为5.59万元-7.59万元。新车搭载了黄金动力1.5L CVVT发动机,匹配5MT和4AT变速器,共5种不同配置
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