Investigation on refractive index sensing of single silver nanoparticle at tightly focused light ill

来源 :Optoelectronics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hainian3166
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Based on the generalized Mie theory,refractive index sensing characteristics of single silver nanoparticle respectively illuminated by tightly focused linearly-polarized and radially-polarized light beams are investigated. The spectra for localized surface plasmon resonances(LSPR) under different dielectric environments demonstrate that distinct dipolar and quadrupolar resonances can be always observed for the case of radial polarization,while there is only strong dipolar resonance for the case of linear polarization. The dipolar mode has a higher sensitivity. However,the figure of merit(FOM) for the quadrupolar resonance is much higher than that for the dipolar resonance,because the quadrupolar resonance has a narrower width. Based on the generalized Mie theory, refractive index sensing characteristics of single silver nanoparticle respectively illuminated by tightly focused linearly-polarized and radially-polarized light beams are investigated. The spectra for localized surface plasmon resonances (LSPR) under different dielectric environments demonstrate that distinct dipolar and quadrupolar resonances can be always observed for the case of radial polarization, while there is only strong dipolar resonance for the case of linear polarization. However, the figure of merit (FOM) for the quadrupolar resonance is much higher than that for the dipolar resonance, because the quadrupolar resonance has a narrower width.
原题再现图1是我国华北某城镇信息,读图分析后回答下题。图中a~e表示小麦种植、花卉与乳牛业、工业、商业、住宅用地付租能力随距离递减情况,请将字母填入表中。 Reproductio
1978年,Deleno和Todaeo在被moloney肿瘤病毒转化的小鼠3T3细胞培养上清液中发现一种称为肉瘤生长因子(sarcoma growth factor,SGF)的多肽,后来在其他肿瘤细胞的酸乙醇提取液中也发现有同样的活性物,更名为转化生长因子(transforming growth factor,TGF).该生长因子有α、β两种类型.目前对TGF-β的研究较多,它是一大类多效能细胞因
因为要从川藏公路经过的林芝县排龙村拐向世界第一大峡谷标志点——扎曲,必须穿行帕隆藏布大峡谷。我曾往返其中,深知峡谷道路崎岖,几度跨江,只能徒步而行。 Because from t