
来源 :Science China Materials | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liubo200987
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近年来,设计和合成高性能的锂离子电池用有机化合物电极吸引了许多的关注.很多研究表明基于苯醌和硫醚结构的聚合物可以同时具有高比容量和稳定的循环效率.本研究用一个简单的聚合方法合成了一个新型的梯形聚合物聚(2,3-二噻烯-1,4-二苯醌)(PDB).分析发现此聚合物具有1050 m Ah g-1的初始可逆比容量,并且在循环一百次之后还保留有681 m Ah g-1的比容量和98.4%的库伦比效率.当此聚合物在不同电流下充放电后并且重新设置回小电流时,其比容量还可以恢复到之前小电流充放电时的性能,证明了此聚合物有很好的倍率性能.进一步大电流充放电表明此聚合物可以一直持续1000个循环,再次说明了此聚合物电极的循环稳定性. In recent years, the design and synthesis of high-performance organic compound electrodes for lithium-ion batteries have drawn much attention. Many studies have shown that polymers based on benzoquinone and thioether structures can have both high specific capacity and stable cycling efficiency. A new type of ladder polymer, poly (2,3-dithialene-1,4-diphenoquinone) (PDB), was synthesized by a simple polymerization method and was found to have an initial reversibility of 1050 m Ah g -1 Specific capacity and retained a specific capacity of 681 mAhg-1 and a coulombic efficiency of 98.4% after one hundred cycles.When the polymer was charged and discharged at different currents and set back to a small current, The specific capacity can also be restored to the previous charge and discharge of small current performance, proved that the polymer has good rate performance further charge and discharge current shows that the polymer can last 1000 cycles, once again demonstrated that the polymer electrode The cycle stability.
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