Radiofrequency ablation for treating paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia complicated by atrial f

来源 :South China Journal of Cardiology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wychenjian
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Background The effect of selective radiofrequency ablation for treating paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia(PSVT) and its associated paroxysmal atrial fibrillation(PAF) was assessed. Methods Data were collected retrospectively from patients diagnosed of PSVT and subsequently treated with radiofrequency ablation. Regular monthly follow-up by dynamic electrocardiography(ECG) was performed. Incident rates of atrial fibrillation before and after ablation were compared. Results 382 PSVT patients with 58 having atrial fibrillation were enrolled. The order of complicated PAF from high to low in these patients was displayed as: atrial tachycardia(AT),atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia(AVRT) and atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia(AVNRT). Among AVRT patients, PAF was more frequent in patients having accessory pathways. AVNRT patients had significantly lower PAF rate comparing to other patients. PAF incident rate was significantly reduced by radiofrequency ablation therapy. Conclusion We advise regular dynamic ECG for PSVT patients, especially those with atrial flutter, AT or pre-excitation syndrome. Selective radiofrequency ablation is a feasible approach for treating AF complicated PSVT patients. Background The effect of selective radiofrequency ablation for treating paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (PSVT) and its associated paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF) was assessed. Methods Data were collected retrospectively from patients diagnosed of PSVT and subsequently treated with radiofrequency ablation. Regular monthly follow-up by Incident rates of atrial fibrillation before and after ablation were compared. Results 382 PSVT patients with 58 having atrial fibrillation were enrolled. The order of complicated PAF from high to low in these patients was displayed as: atrial tachycardia (AVNT). Among AVRT patients, PAF was more frequent in patients with accessory pathways. AVNRT patients had significantly lower PAF rate comparing to other patients. PAF incident rate was significantly higher in patients with accessory pathways than in patients with atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia (AVRT) and atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia reduced by radiofrequency ablation therapy. Conc lusion We advise regular dynamic ECG for PSVT patients, especially those with atrial flutter, AT or pre-excitation syndrome. Selective radiofrequency ablation is a feasible approach for treating AF complicated PSVT patients.
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