A Blast Shock Isolation System with MRFD and Its Semi-Active Control Analysis

来源 :Transactions of Tianjin University | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:smileye1
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To effectively reduce the damage to people and devices in civil defense engineering subjected to blast shock, a blast shock isolation system with magnetorheological fluid dampers (MRFD) is proposed. MRFD can provide continuously adjustable Coulomb friction and has many advantages for semi-active control. Numerical simulation of this isolation system is finished using Matlab simulink toolbox. General semi-active control algorithms are consided based on instantaneous optimal active control algorithm. And the results indicate that the shock isolation system can work efficiently, decreasing about 93% of the peak acceleration of the isolation floor. To effectively reduce the damage to people and devices in civil defense engineering by blast shock, a blast shock isolation system with magnetorheological fluid dampers (MRFD) is proposed. MRFD can provide continuously adjustable Coulomb friction and has many advantages for semi- active control. Numerical simulation of this isolation system is finished using Matlab simulink toolbox. General semi-active control algorithms are consided based on instantaneous optimal active control algorithm. And the results that that the shock isolation system can work efficiently, decreasing about 93% of the peak acceleration of the isolation floor.
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