Effects of Melt Thermal Treatment on A356 Alloy

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shuimeihua
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To increase the casting quality of hypoeutectic Al-Si alloys, the effects of melt thermal treatment on the solidification structure of the A356 alloy were analyzed by a factorial experiment, in which the overheated melt was mixed with the low temperature melt. Experimental results show that the elongation ratio and strength of the treated samples increase remarkably compared with the control sample. The primary dendrite size reduces dramatically and the dendrite changes from columnar to equiaxed, with a little change of the secondary dendrite arm spacing (SDAS). Combined with the measurement of the nucleation undercooling, it is concluded that the solidification structure and refining effect are dependent primarily on the low temperature melt. The refining mechanism is believed as a result of the multiplication of the nuclei in the melt thermal treatment procedure. To increase the casting quality of hypoeutectic Al-Si alloys, the effects of melt thermal treatment on the solidification structure of the A356 alloy were analyzed by a factorial experiment, in which the overheated melt was mixed with the low temperature melt. the elongation ratio and strength of the treated samples increase remarkably compared with the control samples. The primary dendrite size reduces dramatically and the dendrite changes from columnar to equiaxed, with a little change of the secondary dendrite arm spacing (SDAS). Combined with the measurement of the nucleation undercooling, it is concluded that the solidification structure and refining effect are dependent to on the low temperature melt. The refining mechanism is believed as a result of the multiplication of the nuclei in the melt thermal treatment procedure.
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山东省荣成市第二十七中学(以下简称“二十七中”)始终遵循“以规范促发展,以创新彰显办学特色,让每名学生享受全面优质教育”的办学理念,以培养“具有创新意识、创新精神、创新能力的人”为根本目的,探寻特色化发展的破茧之旅,逐步形成了“以创新教育促进师生自主健康和谐发展”的办学特色,并已迈上向“名校”奋进的大道通途。  一、课堂创新  “两会三维六有效”特色教学更加关注学生的个体差异和不同需求,在充分尊重
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