
来源 :中国民商 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:toofar
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我非常赞同论坛的主题:全面改革,绿色发展。因为这是具有重大战略意义的命题。中国改革开放三十年,励精图治。古老华夏有了千年难遇的创新机遇。我们今天要使天空更蓝、大地更绿,空气更清新,城市更美丽。要实现这些美好的愿景,很重的要两条,就是通过改革和创新来实现。中国政府决定走创新驱动的道路,建设创新型国家,这是事关全局的重大举措,也是我们这一代人的历史责任。 I very much agree with the theme of the forum: comprehensive reform and green development. Because this is a proposition of great strategic significance. Thirty years of China’s reform and opening up, good governance. Ancient Huaxia has a golden opportunity for innovation. Today we are going to make the sky bluer, the greener land, the fresher air and the more beautiful cities. To realize these beautiful visions, we must make a heavy effort on two things, that is, through reform and innovation. The decision of the Chinese government to take the road of innovation-driven and to build an innovative country is a major move that matters both in our overall situation and in the historical responsibility of our generation.
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
Six decades of unwavering friendship provide sound base for growth of China-Egypt tiesMore than 2,000 years ago,the ancient Silk Road connected China and Egypt,
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