DDoS detection based on wavelet kernel support vector machine

来源 :The Journal of China Universities of Posts and Telecommunica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kzyzf
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To enhance the detection accuracy and deduce false positive rate of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack detection, a new machine learning method was proposed. With the analysis of support vector machine (SVM) and the wavelet kernel function theory, an admissive support vector kernel, which is a wavelet kernel constructed in this article, implements the combination of the wavelet technique with SVM. Then, wavelet support vector machine (WSVM) is applied to DDoS attack detections and as a classifying means to test the validity of the wavelet kernel function. Simulation experiments show that under the same conditions, the predictive ability of WSVM is improved and the computation burden is alleviated. The detection accuracy of WSVM is higher than the traditional SVM by about 4%, while its false positive is lower than the traditional SVM. Thus, for DDoS detections, WSVM shows better detection performance and is more adaptive to the changing network environment. To enhance the detection accuracy and deduce false positive rate of distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack detection, a new machine learning method was proposed. With the analysis of support vector machine (SVM) and the wavelet kernel function theory, an admissive support vector kernel, which is a wavelet kernel constructed in this article, implements the combination of the wavelet technique with SVM. Then, wavelet support vector machine (WSVM) is applied to DDoS attack detections and as a classifying means to test the validity of the wavelet kernel function. Simulation experiments show that under the same conditions, the predictive ability of WSVM is improved and the computation burden is alleviated. The detection accuracy of WSVM is higher than the traditional SVM by about 4%, while its false positive is lower than the traditional SVM. Thus, for DDoS detections, WSVM shows better detection performance and is more adaptive to the changing network environment.
摘 要 古人云,人无信,无可立于世。诚信是民族强盛的基础,是市场经济发展的保证,对个人的发展也有着非常重大的意义。然而现阶段我国社会诚信缺失问题非常的严重,因此,将诚信教育纳入公民道德建设,将诚信工作变成全民教育的一部分,已经成为现阶段一个紧迫且重要的任务。本文分析了现阶段我国在诚信教育方面已经取得的成绩,分析了我国诚信缺失的表现及原因,并提出了新时期强化社会诚信教育的相关策略,希望能够为促进我国
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