Determination of Total Flavonoids Content in Hemiphragma heterophyllum Wall.

来源 :Medicinal Plant | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Johnnywang03
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[Objective] To detect the content of total flavonoids in Hemiphragma heterophyllum Wall. [Method] Total flavonoids were extracted from H. heterophyllum by ultrasound assisted method. With rutin as the reference substance, relative percentage content was detected by UV-Vis spectrophotometry at 510 nm. [Result] Rutin reference substance showed good linear relationship within the range of 0 and 0.22 mg/mL (R2=0.999 7); and RSD value was 0.425%. The average value of total flavonoids in H. heterophyllum was 9.335%. [Conclusion] Detecting the total flavonoids content in H. heterophyllum by UV-Vis spectrophotometry was simple and reliable, which provided scientific references for the development of medicinal value of H. heterophyllum. [Objective] To detect the content of total flavonoids in Hemiphragma heterophyllum Wall. [Method] Total flavonoids were extracted from H. heterophyllum by ultrasound assisted method. With rutin as the reference substance, relative percentage content was detected by UV-Vis spectrophotometry at 510 nm. [Result] Rutin reference substance showed good linear relationship within the range of 0 and 0.22 mg / mL (R2 = 0.999 7); and RSD value was 0.425%. The average value of total flavonoids in H. heterophyllum was 9.335%. [Conclusion] Detecting the total flavonoids content in H. heterophyllum by UV-Vis spectrophotometry was simple and reliable, which provided scientific references for the development of medicinal value of H. heterophyllum.
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