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国有企业素有“共和国的长子”之称,几十年来,60%的国家财政收入、70%的城镇就业岗位就是来自这位担负重任的“长子”。由于计划经济体制的长期束缚,国有企业积弊已深。为了促进国有企业改革与脱困,19g7年中共十五大确定了国企三年脱困的战略目标,国家不断推出各项政策措施,包括先后7次银行降息、分离企业社会职能、企业破产兼并、债转股、下岗职工再就业等。两年以来,国企“突围”的情形怎么样呢?据一份资料统计:1999年初,国有大中型企业有7600多家,亏损企业约占30%;1999年末,全国40大类行业中,25个整体扭亏,31个省市区中20个实现净盈利。事实表明,国企改革是有成效的。今年是国企三年改革的最后一年,国企建立现代企业制度和扭亏为盈的任务仍然十分艰巨。我们本期特编发一组探索国企改革之路的文章,希望能对国企经营者们有所裨益。 State-owned enterprises are known as “the eldest son of the Republic,” and for decades, 60% of state revenue and 70% of urban jobs come from this responsible “eldest son.” Owing to the long-term restraint of the planned economic system, the state-owned enterprises have accumulated deep-rooted drawbacks. In order to promote the reform and the state-owned enterprise reform in 1919, the central government decided in 1910 to set the strategic targets for the three years of state-owned enterprises. The government has introduced various policies and measures, including seven successive bank interest rate cuts, the separation of corporate social functions, the bankruptcy mergers and deeds of enterprises Shares, laid-off workers re-employment and so on. According to a data statistics: at the beginning of 1999, there were more than 7600 state-owned large and medium-sized enterprises, accounting for about 30% of the total loss-making enterprises. At the end of 1999, among the 40 major industries in the country, , 25 overall turnaround, 20 provinces and cities in 31 provinces and cities to achieve net profit. The facts show that the reform of state-owned enterprises is fruitful. This year marks the final year of the three-year reform of state-owned enterprises. The task of establishing a modern enterprise system and turning a profit-making state-owned enterprise into a surplus is still arduous. We have specially compiled an essay in this issue to explore the road to SOE reform, hoping to benefit SOE managers.
怎样激发自己的创造性思维 1.激发自己的创意 创意,就是创造欲望,是一种强烈的发现问题和解决问题的意识。如何激发这种创意呢? ①要坚定不移地相信自己具有一定的创造力。
日本:3.1 前苏联:1.1 美国:2.8 中国:0.8 欧洲自由贸易联盟:2.2 印度:0.8 欧共体:2.0 拉丁美洲:0.4 以色列:1.7 中近东:0.4 中欧和东欧:1.7 北非:0.3 亚洲新兴工业化国家:1.
1993年诺贝尔文学奖得主托尼·莫里森(19 31-)是当代美国最重要的非裔女作家之一,是第一位获得诺贝尔文学奖的黑人女性。要了解莫里森的文化观应该结合她个人的成长经历、作
结合本企业实际,提出质量管理的重要和树立品牌企业的重要性。 Combined with the actual business, put forward the importance of quality management and the establish