乙 莠 滴丁酯悬乳剂防除玉米田杂草试验

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63%乙·莠·滴丁酯悬乳剂是济南科赛基农化工有限责任公司生产的防除玉米田杂草的除草剂,为了解该药剂对玉米田杂草的除草效果及安全性,黑龙江省密山市农业技术推广中心承担了省农药管理检定站下达的此项试验,试验结果如下。 63% B · A · B · A · D butyl ester Suspension is a herbicide used to control weeds in corn fields produced by Jinan Kesai Keonong Chemical Co., Ltd. In order to understand the herbicidal effect and safety of the agent on weeds in corn fields, Heilongjiang Mishan City Agricultural Technology Promotion Center assumed the provincial pesticide management station issued this test, the test results are as follows.
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