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改革,是一场广泛、深刻的革命,是中国发展生产力的必由之路。改革不是要改变我们的社会主义根本制度,而是要兴利除弊使社会主义制度自我完善和发展,社会主义的优越性充分发挥出来,尽快实现四个现代化,把我国建设成为民主、富强、文明的社会主义现代化国家。因此,改革的进行,既需要安定团结的政治局面和稳定的社会环境,又要创造长期、持续、稳定的发展条件,有助于社会的长期稳定和国家的长治久安。十年改革的实践表明,我们已经找到了一条有利于国富民强、社会稳定的康庄大道,这就是中国人民创造的起始农村的联产承包责任制,进而在城市企业普遍推行的承包经营责任 Reform is a broad and profound revolution that is the only way for China to develop its productive forces. Instead of changing our basic socialist system, we must give full play to the superiority of socialism through self-improvement and development under the slightest pretext of making profits and removing disadvantages, realize the four modernizations as soon as possible and build our country into a democratic, prosperous and civilized society Modernist country. Therefore, the reform must not only require the stable and united political environment and stable social environment, but also create long-term, sustained and stable conditions for development and contribute to the long-term social stability and long-term peace and stability of the country. The practice of the 10-year reform shows that we have found a broad road that is conducive to the prosperity of the country, the enrichment of the people, and social stability. This is the responsibility of the Chinese people to start a rural-based joint-generation contract system of contract responsibility and thus to the general implementation of the contractual management responsibility in urban enterprises
FIFA world player of the year,作为国际足联官方评选的年度世界足球先生,已经诞生了16年。从1991年第一届马特乌斯雀屏中选开始,一共产生了了11位得主,其中包括各拿了三次
图示的量具可以测量瓶口形孔的内径,测孔深度达15吋(381毫米),公差为0.003吋(0.07毫米)。此量具由百分表、环形支架、环形支承和摆动式加长杆组成。各构件主要用铝制 The i
本文介绍反应堆中子活化分析中核素的复合参数K_0因子的测量方法及简要原理。给出了19种核素的K_0实测值。结果与文献值作了比较,对大多数核素而言,在5%内吻合。 This paper
度米芬(Domiphen Bromide)是一种阳离子表面活性杀菌剂,其结构式为:测定方法有碘酸钾法、铁氰化钾法、四苯硼钠双相滴定法等。前两种方法操作繁琐,双相滴定法近终点时必须剧
在传统的经济体制下,消费者的选择受到了很大的限制,这是因为: 1.收入控制。单一的公有制,使所有社会成员只能从单一的按劳分配渠道获得收入。城市职工长期实行低工资制,单