张左己省长强调 要坚持“四个不放松” 实现“四个不动摇” 推动县域经济发展迈上新台阶

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省长张左己6月28日至7月1日在杜尔伯特蒙古族自治县和安达市调研时强调,要在狠抓贯彻国家宏观调控政策、确保粮食安全、促进经济社会发展和老工业基地振兴不放松的同时,坚持抓好招商引资、结构调整、生态环境保护和国企改革不动摇,进一步推动县域经济发展迈上新台阶。张左己强调,要坚决贯彻国家宏观调控政策不放松,继续抓好招商引资工作不动摇。年初以来,国家出台了加强宏观调控的政策措施,以解决部分地区经济发展过热的问题,对此,我们要认真贯彻执行。同时,要按照中央提出的区别对待,不搞急刹车、一刀切,坚持适时适度调整的原则,科学分析我省经济形势,针对我省固定资产投资和进出口额规模小、增速慢,对经济增长拉动不足的实际,在贯彻好国家宏观调控政策的同时,按照省委、省政府部 Governor Zhang Zuoji stressed in his survey of Duerbote Mongolian Autonomous County and Anda from June 28 to July 1 that they should pay close attention to and implement the national macro-control policies to ensure food security, promote economic and social development, and rejuvenate old industrial bases While not relaxing, we will continue to do a good job attracting investment, structural adjustment, protection of the ecological environment, and unswerving reform of state-owned enterprises. We will further promote the development of county economy to a new level. Zhang Zuoji emphasized that it is necessary to resolutely implement the state’s macro-economic control policy and do not relax and continue to do a good job attracting investment. Since the beginning of this year, the state has promulgated some policies and measures to strengthen macroeconomic regulation and control in order to solve the overheated economic development in some areas. To this end, we must earnestly implement it. At the same time, we should scientifically analyze the economic situation in our province in accordance with the differential treatment proposed by the Central Government and do not engage in the brakes, omnibus and insist on the principle of timely and appropriate adjustment. In light of the small scale of the fixed assets investment and import and export volume in our province, the growth rate is slow and the economy In the meantime, while implementing the national macro-control policy, according to the actual situation of the provincial government departments
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