新目标英语八年级(上)Unit3 STEP BY STEP随堂通

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  Step 1(for Section A)
  Ⅰ. 汉译英。
  1. 考虑,思考________________
  2. 去钓鱼 ________________
  3. 去野营 ________________
  4. 观光旅游 ________________
  5. 划船 ________________
  6. 决定 ________________
  7. 去度假________________
  8. 骑自行车旅行________________
  9. 成长,长大 ________________
  10. 去散步________________
  Ⅱ. 单项选择。
  ( )1. —How long are they going to the USA?
  —They are going to stay there ______ two months.
   A. at B. for C. with D. over
  ( )2. —What’s your agreement?
  —After discussion, we ______ Australia.
   A. decided to B. decided on
   C. decided D. decided for
  ( )3. ______ is my favorite.
   A. Go camping B. Going camping
   C. To going camping
   D. To go camping
  ( )4. —When is she leaving?
  —She’s setting off ______ the morning of December 12th.
   A. on B. in C. at D. during
  ( )5. —Can you come to dinner with us this evening, Zhao Ming?
   A. Sure, I’d love to
   B. I’ ll stay at home
   C. Yes, please D. Thank you
  ( )6. I have too ______ homework to do ______ this weekend.
   A. many; at B. much; on
   C. much; / D. many; /
  ( )7. —What are you doing for vacation?
  —We are ______ in the mountain next
   A. go camp B. going camping
   C. going camp D. going to camp
  Ⅲ. 閱读理解填词。
  One day two brothers went fishing. They had a dog w___1___them. When they c___2___near the river, they p___3___their caps on a big stone and went to the river bank (岸) to l___4___for fish. It was c___5___that day, and soon they wanted to w___6___the caps. They told the dog to go back for them. When the dog got there, he tried to take both caps together in his m___7___, but it was very difficult. Then the dog saw that one of the caps was smaller than the other one. He put the smaller cap in the b___8___one and then he could carry both caps at the s___9___time. How c___10___the dog was!
  1. w______ 2. c______ 3. p______
  4. l______ 5. c______ 6. w______
  7. m______ 8. b______ 9. s______
  10. c______
  Step 2 (for Section B)
  Ⅰ. 单项选择。
  ( )1. —Can you ______ me your photos in the zoo?
   —Sure, here you are.
   A. let B. have C. make D. show
  ( )2. —What does your father often do after supper?
   —He often ______ walks after supper.
   A. hasB. makes C. gives D. takes
  ( )3. —Why are you so ______?
  —I saw a very ______ movie just now.
   A. exciting; excited
   B. exciting; exciting
   C. excited; exciting
   D. excited; excited
  ( )4. —Can you ______ me your ticket, please?
   —OK. Here you are.
   A. show B. let C. have D. make
  ( )5. —When will you finish ______ the novel?
   —Next Monday.
   A. read B. reading
   C. to read D. reads
  ( )6. Can I ask you ______ questions about your vacation plan?
   A. a few B. few
   C. a little D. little
  ( )7. —What’s your mother doing ______ vacation?
  —She’s going to Beijing.
   A. with B. by C. to D. for
  Ⅱ. 完形填空。
   On the first day of the school, the new teacher had a look at the list. The___1___names were on it. How pleased the teacher was!Guess what she found? After each student’s name was a number, such as 138,140,154 and so on. “Look at these high IQ students,” she thought to herself. They have given me a terrific (极好的) ___2___.
   As a result, the___3___teacher worked ___4___with this class than with her others. She tried some teaching___5___. She thought these ways would interest the students and hold their___6___. And it___7___. The class did___8___than any of her other classes. She taught herotherclasses___9___the usual way—the traditional way. Later she found out that the number after each student meant___10___but the number of his or her clothing box in the school.
  ( )1. A. student’s B. teachers’
   C. students’ D. teacher’s
  ( )2. A. school B. class
   C. grade D. classroom
  ( )3. A. exciting B. excite
   C. excitedly D. excited
  ( )4. A. harder B. hardly
   C. hard D. more hardly
  ( )5. A. roads B. idea
   C. ways D. places
  ( )6. A. interested B. interest
  C. interesting D. hobbies
  ( )7. A. worked B. works
  C. will work D. is working
  ( )8. A. much well B. more better
  C. very well D. much better
  ( )9. A. by B. in C. on D. with
  ( )10. A. everything B. something
   C. nothing D. anything
  Step 3(for Self-check)
  Ⅰ. 單项选择。
  ( )1. —______ does your mother go to the supermarket?
   —She takes a bus.
   A. How B. How often
   C. How long D. How far
  ( )2. —______ are you going to Paris for vacation?
   —About a week.
   A. How long B. How often
   C. How D. When
  ( )3. The supermarket is far from Mary’s house. So she ______ only once a week.
   A. goes sightseeing B. goes shopping
   C. goes fishing D. goes hiking
  ( )4. —I don’t know ______Mr Green will come to see us.
  —Because he will help us with our English.
   A. why B. when C. how D. where
  ( )5. She didn’t stop crying ______ her mother came back.
   A. after B. when C. until D. because
  ( )6. Liu Ying plans ______ to Italy next summer.
   A. going B. goes C. to go D. went
  Ⅱ. 完形填空。
   Last year I went to Australia to study and travel. I stayed in Sydney for two years. I visited places of ___1___in the morning and took English lessons in the afternoon. A friend and I stayed___2___a family in Sydney. The homestay parents and brothers were___3___to us. We talked about a lot of things with each other in English.
   My spoken English improved___4___in Australia. I spoke very little English in China. But in Australia, I had to use it very often. I was soon able to communicate with my teachers and homestay family___5___.To me, the best place in Australia is the Sydney Opera House. You can look at it from___6___sides. It is beautiful to___7___. I can’t sing very well, but when I was inside, I really wanted to sing.
   Time___8___while I was in Sydney. Soon came Christmas. Then the New Year. I had never___9___the New Year___10___my family. But that year, I was so far away from them. I felt___11___homesick. I missed them so much. I wondered___12___my parents missed me___13___I missed them. In the evening, I___14___my family. When I heard their___15___,I began to cry. My homestay mother held me in her arms and comforted me.
  ( )1. A. fun B. value C. interest D. use
  ( )2. A. in B. with C. of D. to
  ( )3. A. friendly B. rude C. generous D. serious
  ( )4. A. strongly B. greatly C. hardly D. widely
  ( )5. A. difficulty B. fast
  C. politely D. freely
  ( )6. A. important B. necessary C. different D. the same
  ( )7. A. look on B. look at C. look after D. look up
  ( )8. A. ran B. jumped
   C. flew D. walked
  ( )9. A. spared B. improved
   C. took D. spent
  ( )10. A. with B. without
   C. as for D. but for
  ( )11. A. a little B. little
   C. a few D. few
  ( )12. A. why B. if
   C. when D. that
  ( )13. A. as soon as B. as soon as possible
   C. as much as D. as many as
  ( )14. A. said to B. rang to C. told D. phoned
  ( )15. A. voices B. faces
   C. pictures D. smiles
摘要:文章通过搜集CNKI数据库文献,梳理近九年来各专家学者就中阿经贸论坛、中阿博览会的相关研究以期为中阿博览会的最新研究提供一定资料支撑。  关键词:中阿经贸论坛;中阿博览会;研究综述  自中阿经贸论坛2010年在宁夏举办至2019年第四届中阿博览会在银川成功落幕,9年期间宁夏共成功举办七届中阿合作盛会,为促进中阿全方位合作、推动宁夏进一步对外开放,提高地区发展水平做出了重要贡献。中阿博览会举办
摘要:本研究以江西省井冈山市茅坪乡神山村为研究案例,通过对神山村实地调研发现:神山村地理位置偏僻,交通不便,村民收入极低。2017年2月26日,神山村随井冈山市一道在全国领先脱贫,但问题也随之出现,产业链优化、旅游发展窘境、电商发展落后、服务品质欠缺、教育发展滞后等问题亟待解决。针对此种情况,本研究深入分析神山村当前乡村振兴面临的困境及其成因,进而考虑以产业链为载体,以旅游 优质电商为渠道,多主体
摘要:随着医疗卫生行业的发展,传统招标方式已无法满足公立医院日益增长的物资招标需求。本文以泰安市中心医院为例,对该院传统招标流程中存在的问题进行了分析。为提高招标效率及透明性,该院招标采购中心牵头上线并使用仪器设备竞价网,对部分预算相对较低的项目采取网上竞价。  关键词:公立医院;招标;网上竞价;信息化  引言  近年来随着国家卫生改革的不断推进,公立医院作为事业单位,其内部控制成为经营管理工作的
摘要:本研究以上海某高校为例,探究高校“夸夸群”在传播情况、学生使用情况、作用效果以及认同情况等方面的现状,并对大学生心理状况进行调查,认为夸夸群的兴起实则可以满足大学生的心理需求、舒缓压力。正确地看待夸夸群,在不忘记现实的基础上,满足新需求尤为重要。  关键词:夸夸群;大学生心理;高校  一、调查背景  “夸夸群”,是一种以夸人为主的网络群聊,即“全方位地用华丽的辞藻疯狂地夸奖、吹捧你”的网络圈
摘要:近年来,随着信息技术的迅猛发展,大众普遍在网络线上获取信息,高效且快捷。新媒体的影响力愈发被人重视,新媒体的价值也得到了空前的解放,短视频、直播等平台行业迎来了一波黄金发展期,本文将以抖音App为例,探究短视频信息普惠如何创造经济价值,并为抖音未来可持续发展提出合理建议。  关键词:短视频;信息普惠;抖音;可持续发展  抖音短视频是一款音乐创意短视频社交软件,于2016年9月上线,是今日头条
摘要:2018年12月27日,民政部、中组部、全国妇联等7部门联合出台《关于做好村规民约和居民公约工作的指导意见》。从总体要求、主要内容、制定程序、监督落实和组织领导等五个方面对村规民约提出规范要求。村规民约作为一种以道德和舆论约束为基础的社会契约,自古以来就是实施乡村治理的有效手段。对维护社会稳定、推动民主法治建设、保护生态环境、促进乡村振兴战略的实施都起到了积极作用。  关键词:村规民约;乡村
1 You can’t argue with success.  Tips:Though you may tell someone theyare doing something in a wrong way,you haveto stop criticizing them if their method works.
I 完成下列反意疑问句。  1 He often has noodles for breakfast,___________? 本文为全文原貌 未安装PDF浏览器用户请先下载安装 原版全文
Our manager at the restaurant where I worked was a beloved,jovial(快活的,友好的)man.But there was one subject you should never discuss in front of him—his height.
1. 【知识要点】 —Were there any sharks?  —No, there weren’t any sharks, but there were some really clever seals.  【中考链接】 —Walt, we have few vegetables for dinner. Could you go and buy ______?   —Yes, sure.