The Kunlun Region as Described in the Shan Hai Jing(Classic of Mountains and Seas)

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deals with Classic of Mountains and Seas, the earliest surviving Chinese geo-graphical work and one of the very few pre-Oin Chinese texts to escape alteration byConfucian scholars of the Han Dynasty.Its great value lies in the geographical dataand ancient legends therein which reflect the culture and beliefs of that time.The leg-ends about the Kunlun region in particular are a problem of great importance for thestudy of communications between ancient China and the Western Regions and fortracing ancient Chinese culture to one of its sources. Gu “uses Shan Hai Jing to revealits own colors” and through meticulous,textual research,demonstrates that the geo-graphical descriptions of the Kunlun region and its legendary inhabitants originallycame from the Northwest,springing from the imagination of the various nationalitiesthere.The topography is related to the actual topography of the Northwest,but the re-gion cannot be pinpointed.This paper is being published posthumously in accord-ance with Professor Gu’s wishes. deals with Classic of Mountains and Seas, the earliest surviving Chinese geo-graphical work and one of the very few pre-Oin Chinese texts to escape alteration by Confucian scholars of the Han Dynasty.Its great value lies in the geographical data and ancient legends which that reflect the culture and beliefs of that time. The leg-ends about the Kunlun region in particular are a problem of great importance for the study of communications between ancient China and the Western Regions and fortracing ancient Chinese culture to one of its sources. Gu “uses Shan Hai Jing to revealits own colors ”and through meticulous, textual research, demonstrates that the geo-graphical descriptions of the Kunlun region and its legendary inhabitants originallycame from the Northwest, springing from the imagination of the various nationalitiesthere.The topography is related to the actual topography of the Northwest, but the re-gion can not be pinpointed.This paper is being published posthumously in accord- ance w ith Professor Gu’s wishes.
“蛋民,世居大蛋港、保民港、望楼港濒海诸处……以渔为业。”《崖州志》这一记载告诉我们,海南岛以前的居民,除了汉:黎、苗、回各族人民外,还有少为人知的“蛋民”。 现在
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