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环境与发展所引发的矛盾似乎已到了“山穷水尽疑无路”的地步,以牺牲环境为代价的开发更是屡见不鲜。然而,如果我们能跳出常规思维的桎梏,用一种全新的眼光来思考、审视环境与发展的关系,是完全可以解决环境与发展这对矛盾,迎来“柳暗花明又一村”的和谐前景的,在这方面,夏威夷就为我们 The contradiction caused by environment and development seems to have reached the point where there is no solution but the development at the expense of the environment is even more prevalent. However, if we can jump out of the nostalgia of conventional thinking and use a new vision to think about and examine the relationship between environment and development, we can completely solve the contradiction between environment and development and usher in the harmonious prospect of “brilliant future” In this regard, Hawaii is for us
BACKGROUND: Endometriosis is commonly identified in the abdomen, specifically the ovaries, adnexa, and fallopian tubes, and sometimes in more distant areas; pre
CSR题目 :甲氨喋呤治疗类风湿性关节炎Methotrexateforrheumatoidarthritis(CochraneReview)系统评价者 :Suarez -AlmazorME ,BelseckE ,SheaB ,WellsG ,TugwellP本系统评价最 CSR Topic: Methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis Methotrexate for rheumatoid arthritis (Co
目的了解糖尿病 (DM)大鼠肾间质转化生长因子 β1 (TGF β1 )表达与纤维粘连蛋白(FN)和胶原Ⅲ型 (ColⅢ )沉积的关系。方法四氧嘧啶复制糖尿病模型 ,免疫组化法检测肾间质TG
Background The concentration of serum fructosamine is correlated with plasma glucose level. The aim of this study was to determine whether the level of serum fr
我国最早从实物货币向金属货币过渡是在商代晚期(约公元前14-11世纪),当时仿海贝形状铸行的“青铜贝币”标志着我国货币开始进入金属货币的阶段。 在我国宋朝铸钱最多且制作