
来源 :法制与社会 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yuyan
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垄断是市场经济活动中的一种反竞争的行为,各经济主体利用自己在市场上的优势地位,限制和排斥竞争,从而影响市场经济秩序。反垄断法是现代国家调整市场经济的一项基本法律,是经济法体系一个重要的基本构成。在西方国家,它被称为“市场经济的宪章”,“现代企业制度的基石”,并长期居于经济法体系的核心地位。作为经济法的核心,反垄断法对于规范市场经济竞争行为,维护市场新秩序,促进经济稳定健康地发展具有重要的意义。在我国建立并完善市场经济以及加入国际世贸组织参与国际竞争的国内外经济形势下,制定反垄断法是当务之急。 Monopolization is an anti-competitive behavior in the market economy. All the economic entities use their superior position in the market to restrict and exclude competition, thus affecting the market economic order. Antitrust law is a basic law for the modern state to adjust the market economy and is an important basic constitution of the economic law system. In western countries, it is called “the charter of the market economy” and “the cornerstone of the modern enterprise system” and has long been at the heart of the economic law system. As the core of economic law, the antitrust law is of great significance for standardizing the competition in the market economy, safeguarding the new market order and promoting the stable and healthy development of the economy. Under the economic situation at home and abroad that establishes and perfects the market economy in our country and joins in the international competition by the World Trade Organization, it is imperative to formulate the anti-monopoly law.
By using the transfer matrix,the band structures,defect mode and field propagation characteristics of one-dimensional photonic crystals composed of single-negat
开学第一天,插班生林晓琪把大家的眼球都吸引住了,因为她既漂亮又很有气质。怎么说呢,就像美丽的小淑女。  “谁说漂亮?我看是长得丑死了!”坐在后面的王淑靖在同学们的议论声中插了一句嘴。  别看王淑靖的名字起得像个乖乖女,她可是我们女孩中唯一的一位“真汉子”啊!她的性格很好:开朗,喜欢帮助同学。由于在很多时候,她的行为很像个男生,所以我们都称她为“靖哥”。  第二天,令人诧异的事情发生了,靖哥居然破天
<正> 扁平疣是一种常见的皮肤病,笔者采用自拟平疣汤治疗50例,取得较满意的效果。一、临床资料 (一) 一般资料:50例均为门诊患者,其中男15例,女35例,年龄5~10岁2例,11~20岁14例
角蜥蜴在丛林中觅食,无意中看到一只变色龙慢慢地爬上了树,扎到一堆浓密的树叶堆里,趴在那儿就不动了。  角蜥蜴边看边嘀咕:“变色龙鬼鬼祟祟在干什么呢?”忽然,它闻到一股自己非常喜欢的味道:“哈哈,美食耶!”它顾不上看变色龙在干什么,顺着美味飘来的方向追踪过去。  树下不远处,角蜥蜴看到地上有很多蚂蚁,整齐得像一支军队,正搬运着一条被它们俘获的大毛毛虫。角蜥蜴一点儿都不客气,伸出舌头开始舔舐送到嘴边的