An analysis on investments of transnational corporation in China's car industry

来源 :China Auto | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liuhuayu0472
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The transnational corporations began investing directly in China’s passenger car sector more than 2 decades ago, featuring characters unique in the world. This article, based on a case analysis, fully displays the characters of the transnational corporations in the process of entering the Chinese market, in regard to timing, partner choice, model distribution among different partners and the supplying system under the domination of their subsidiaries, and management of the networks and channels, and others. The transnational corporations began investing directly in China’s passenger car sector more than 2 may ago, featuring characters unique in the world. This article, based on a case analysis, fully displayed the characters of the transnational corporations in the process of entering the Chinese market, in regard to timing, partner choice, model distribution among different partners and the supplying system under the domination of their subsidiaries, and management of the networks and channels, and others.
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