Mechanics Behavior of Ultra High Toughness Cementitious Composites after Freezing and Thawing

来源 :Journal of Wuhan University of Technology(Materials Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ADCADC111111
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Mechanical behaviors of UHTCC after freezing and thawing were investigated,and compared with those of steel fiber reinforced concrete(SFRC),air-entrained concrete(AEC) and ordinary concrete(OC).Four point bending tests had been applied after different freezing-thawing cycles(0,50,100,150,200 and 300 cycles,respectively).The results showed that residual flexural strength of UHTCC after 300 freezing-thawing cycles was 10.62 MPa(70% of no freezing thawing ones),while 1.58 MPa(17% of no freezing thawing ones) for SFRC.Flexural toughness of UHTCC decreased by 17%,while 70% for SFRC comparatively.It has been demonstrated experimentally that UHTCC without any air-entraining agent could resist freezing-thawing and retain its high toughness characteristic in cold environment.Consequently,UHTCC could be put into practice for new-built or retrofit of infrastructures in cold regions. Mechanical behaviors of UHTCC after freezing and thawing were investigated, and compared with those of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC), air-entrained concrete (AEC) and ordinary concrete (OC) .Four point bending tests had been applied after different freezing-thawing cycles (0,50,100,150,200 and 300 cycles, respectively). The results showed that residual flexural strength of UHTCC after 300 freezing-thawing cycles was 10.62 MPa (70% of no freezing thawing ones), while 1.58 MPa (17% of no freezing thawing ones) for SFRC. Flexural toughness of UHTCC decreased by 17%, while 70% for SFRC comparatively. It has been demonstrated experimentally that UHTCC without any air-entraining agent could resist freezing-thawing and retain its high toughness characteristic in cold environment. , UHTCC could be put into practice for new-built or retrofit of infrastructures in cold regions.
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现今是一个讲究张扬个性的时代,在关键时刻恰当地“秀”一下,是抓住幸运和机遇的妙方。  汉代名士东方朔,诙谐多智。他刚入长安时,向汉武帝上书,竟用了3000块木椟,公车令派两个人去抬,才勉强能抬起来。汉武帝用了两个月时间才把它读完。这在当时也堪称是“吉尼斯世界之最”了。在奏章中,东方朔自许甚高,称:“臣朔年二十二,长九尺三寸,目若悬珠,齿若编贝,勇若孟贲,捷若庆忌,廉若鲍叔,信若尾生。若此,可以为天