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目的分析福建省流动人口和常驻人口活动性肺结核患者的流行特征,为制定流动人口结核病防控策略提供科学依据。方法采用全国结核病管理信息系统的资料,对2008~2012年福建省流动人口和常驻人口活动性肺结核患者的有关资料进行分析。结果 2008~2012年福建省共登记活动性肺结核患者108 154例,20.34%(21 998/108 154)为流动人口。流动人口集中分布在泉州、厦门和福州市,共占病例总数的85.25%(18 751/21 998)。从登记月份来看,流动人口1~7月为上升趋势,以后呈下降趋势;常驻人口从3月后呈下降趋势。流动人口中男性占67.48%(14 844/21998),女性占32.52%(7 154/21 998),高于常驻人口。流动人口以青壮年为主,15~35岁占病例总数的81.72%(17976/21 998),常驻人口以中老年为主,45~65岁占病例总数的56.93%(62 558/86 156)。流动人口以工人和民工为主,占病例总数的60.78%(13 371/21 998);常驻人口以农牧民为主,占病例总数的60.53%(52 149/86 156)。流动人口中少数民族以土家族、苗族、彝族、侗族和壮族为主,常驻人口中少数民族以畲族为主。流动人口中,64.66%(14 224/21998)为外省籍,主要来源于四川省、贵州省、江西省和重庆市,35.19%(7 740/21 998)为本省籍,主要来源于泉州、漳州、福州和龙岩市。结论流动人口肺结核患者在疾病分布上具有独特的流行特征,对制定流动人口结核病防控策略具有重要意义。 Objective To analyze the epidemiological characteristics of active pulmonary tuberculosis patients in floating population and permanent population in Fujian Province, and to provide a scientific basis for developing prevention and control strategies for floating population. Methods The data of the National Tuberculosis Management Information System were used to analyze the data of patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis from floating population and permanent population in Fujian Province from 2008 to 2012. Results From 2008 to 2012, a total of 108 154 cases of active pulmonary tuberculosis were registered in Fujian Province, and 20.34% (21 998/108 154) were floating population. Floating population concentrated in Quanzhou, Xiamen and Fuzhou, accounting for 85.25% of the total number of cases (18 751/21 998). From the month of registration, the floating population increased from January to July and then dropped downward; the resident population showed a downward trend from March. Among the floating population, 67.48% (14,844/21998) men and 32.52% women (7 154/21 998) were migrants, higher than the resident population. The floating population is mainly young and middle-aged, accounting for 81.72% (17976/21 998) of the total number of cases aged 15-35. The resident population is mainly middle-aged and old, accounting for 56.93% of the total number of cases aged 45-65 (62 558/86 156 ). The floating population mainly consists of laborers and migrant workers, accounting for 60.78% (13 371/21 998) of the total number of cases; the resident population is dominated by peasants and herdsmen, accounting for 60.53% (52 149/86 156) of the total number of cases. Among the floating population, ethnic minorities are mainly Tujia, Miao, Yi, Dongs and Zhuangs, and the majority of ethnic minorities in the permanent population are She ethnic. Among the floating population, 64.66% (14 224/21998) are of other provinces, mainly from Sichuan Province, Guizhou Province, Jiangxi Province and Chongqing Municipality, 35.19% (7 740/21 998) are of provincial origin and mainly come from Quanzhou and Zhangzhou Fuzhou and Longyan City. Conclusions The TB patients with floating population have unique epidemiological characteristics of disease distribution and are of great significance for the development of TB prevention and control strategies for floating population.
据美国(usatoday)网站报道,Google首席财务官帕特里克·皮切特(Patrick Pichette)在高盛科技和互联网会议上表示,Google在开发可以将互联网数据传输速率提升至10Gbps的技术。