
来源 :语数外学习(语文教育) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hong_77521
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高中新课程标准规定:“阅读浅易文言文,能借助注释和工具书,理解词句含义,读懂文章内容。了解并梳理常见的文言实词、文言虚词、文言句式的意义或用法,注重在阅读实践中举一反三。诵读古代诗词和文言文,背诵一定数量的名篇。”“学习中国古代优秀作品,体会其中蕴涵的中华民族精神,为形成一定的传统文化底蕴奠定基础。学习从历史发展的角度理解古代文学的内容价值,从中汲取民族智慧;用现代观念审视作品,评价其积极意义与历史局限。”对照新课标的要求,无疑现在的很多的文言文教学是不符合新课程标准的,主要是教师包得过多,统得太死,压制了学生的自主性,忽视了学生个性和创新性的培养。“纯讲解式”教学使学生懒得动脑,形成了等老师翻译,靠老师讲解的学习习惯;学生没有学习的主动性,严重违背了语文教学的本质,剥夺了学生的“主体”地位,影响了学生“自主吸收”功能的发挥和创造性思维以及探究能力的形成和发展。那文言文教学如何才能体现学生的主体性?就此,谨谈一点浅薄的看法,以求抛砖引玉。 High school new curriculum standards: “Read easy to use classical Chinese, with the help of notes and reference books, understand the meaning of words and phrases, to understand the contents of the article. Understanding and combing the common classical Chinese words, classical words, the meaning or usage of classical sentence, focus on reading In practice, read the ancient poems and classical Chinese, memorize a certain number of famous articles. ”“ Learning ancient Chinese outstanding works, understand the implication of the Chinese nation spirit, to lay the foundation for the formation of a certain traditional culture.Learning from the historical development From the angle of understanding the content value of ancient literature, draw national wisdom from it, examine the work with modern concept and evaluate its positive significance and historical limitation. ”In contrast with the requirements of the new curriculum standard, there is no doubt that nowadays many classical Chinese teaching do not conform to the new curriculum standard, The main reason is that too many teachers package, too dead, suppress the autonomy of students, ignoring the personality and innovative training of students. “Pure explanation type ” teaching so that students are too lazy to brains, formed a teacher translation, teacher to explain the learning habits; students did not learn the initiative, a serious violation of the essence of language teaching, deprived of students “subject Status, affecting the students’ ”autonomous absorption" function of play and creative thinking as well as the formation and development of inquiry ability. That classical Chinese teaching how to reflect the students’ subjectivity? In this regard, to talk a little superficial view, in order to initiate.
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