Modes of Occurrence and Cleaning Potential of Trace Elements in Coals from the Northern Ordos Basin

来源 :Acta Geologica Sinica(English Edition) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gsy2589
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Based on the analyses of 43 elements in 16 samples of the raw coal and feed coal collected from the northern Ordos basin and Shanxi Province, the modes of occurrence of these elements were studied using the method of cluster analysis and factor analysis, and the cleaning potential of the hazardous elements relatively enriched in the coals was discussed by analyzing six samples of the cleaned coal from the coal-washing plants and coal cleaning simulation experiments. The results shows that the elements Br and Ba show a strong affinity to the organic matter, Cs, Cd, Pb, Zn and Hg partly to the organic matter, and the other trace elements are mainly associated with the mineral matter. Cs, Mo, P, Pb, Zn and S have positive correlations with the two principal factors, reflecting the complexity of their modes of occurrence. Some elements that were thought to show a faint relationship (Be with S and Sb with carbonates) in other rocks are found to have a strong interrelation in the coals. Clay minerals (mainly k Based on the analyzes of 43 elements in 16 samples of the raw coal and feed coal collected from the northern Ordos basin and Shanxi Province, the modes of occurrence of these elements were studied using the method of cluster analysis and factor analysis, and the cleaning potential of the hazardous elements relatively enriched in the coals was discussed by analyzing six samples of the cleaned coal from the coal-washing plants and coal cleaning simulation experiments. The results shows that the elements Br and Ba show a strong affinity to the organic matter, Cs , Cd, Pb, Zn and Hg partly to the organic matter, and the other trace elements are mainly associated with the mineral matter. Cs, Mo, P, Pb, Zn and S have positive correlations with the two principal factors, of their modes of occurrence. Some elements that were thought to show a faint relationship (Be with S and Sb with carbonates) in other rocks are found to have a strong interlation in the coals. Clay minerals (mainly k
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