
来源 :中国水产 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zst_chengdu_xxxx
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去年入夏以来(6—9月份).我地池塘先后不同程度暴发了白鲢出血病,同池混养的花鲢、团头鲂、白鲫也同时感染、死鱼十分严重。 据我们初步调查,认为发病的生态和环境因素有以下几点:①气候变化异常。下雨时间多,鱼池光照少。②发病池多数为老鱼池,由于塘淤泥较多,导致了病原滋生,鱼类缺氧。③鱼种入池前未经消毒或消毒不严格。④食场较脏。⑤饲料不新鲜。⑥没及时注换新水或增氧。 Since the summer of last year (June-September), I have to varying degrees of pond outbreak of silver carp hemorrhage, with the pond polyculture of silver carp, bream, white carp also infected at the same time, dead fish is very serious. According to our preliminary investigation, there are the following ecological and environmental factors that cause disease: ① Abnormal climate change. More rain time, fish pond light less. ② most of the pool for the old fish pond, pond sludge more, leading to the breeding of pathogens, fish hypoxia. ③ fish into the pool without disinfection or disinfection is not strict. ④ food is dirty. ⑤ feed is not fresh. ⑥ no timely replacement of new water or oxygen.
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我省稻田养鱼资源丰富,共有稻田面积500多万亩,宜渔稻田面积100多万亩,发展稻田养鱼前景广阔,现将此文章介绍给大家,希望能从中有所启迪。 There are abundant fish resourc
二、鱼种常见病的的防治 1.暴发性流行病 1.1.放鱼前生石灰彻底清塘;放鱼时,鱼体药物消毒;经常灌入新水。 1.2.定期每月全池泼洒漂白粉一次,按1ppm计算。20天全池党委书记洒
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