Phase control of ellipsometric interferometer for nanometric positioning system

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sadsorry11
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Development in industry is asking for improved resolution and higher accuracy in dimensional metrology. In this paper,we proposed a control displacement method based on a polarization ellipsometirc interferometer and phase-locked loop technique. The proposed principle was set up. The experimental results of step and step displacements with a step value of 5 nm were presented. We also analyzed the resolution,the potential minimal displacement of the established system. The results show that the position error induced by the ellipticty deviation of the light beam becomes negligible thanks to our signal processing circuit with high-order filter. This method could be useful for many applications in nano dimensional metrology and semiconductor industry. Development in industry is asking for improved resolution and higher accuracy in dimensional metrology. In this paper, we propose a control displacement method based on a polarization ellipsometirc interferometer and phase-locked loop technique. The experimental results of set up. We have analyzed the resolution, the potential minimal displacement of the established system. The results show that the position error induced by the ellipticty deviation of the light beam becomes negligible thanks to our signal processing circuit with high-order filter. This method could be useful for many applications in nano dimensional metrology and semiconductor industry.
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本刊编排格式执行有关国家标准诒嗉校⑾忠恍┳髡叩奈暮蟛慰嘉南撞环稀段暮蟛慰嘉?献著录规则》(GB/T 7714-2005)的有关规定。作者稿件中存在的主要问题是:1.缺少所引
课堂笔记是学生在课内学习内容的记录。认真记课堂笔记,有利于专心听讲,提高听力;有利于手脑并用, 激活思维;有利于复习查阅,提高学习效率。疑难摘录法学习中解决疑难的过程,
传统的音乐欣赏教学思路就是教师先介绍作曲家生平简历,时代背景,而后学生欣赏,教师讲解,最后小节。通过实践,我则把音乐欣赏教学归纳为导、听、动三个方面。 The tradition