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目的评价成都市艾滋病筛查实验室管理工作现状,考核实验室检测工作质量,进一步健全成都市艾滋病筛查实验室检测网络。方法依据《全国艾滋病检测技术规范》要求,制定统一考评标准,对参评艾滋病筛查实验室进行职能工作考评及血清学能力验证(PT)。结果成都市2009-12底前通过验收共有56个区(市)县级艾滋病筛查实验室,其中疾控系统20家(35.71%)、医疗系统33家(58.93%)、采供血机构3家(5.36%),参与2009年度考核艾滋病筛查实验室有53家,37个实验室考核优秀,14个实验室考核良好、2个实验室考核合格。结论成都市艾滋病筛查实验室网络体系建设已初具规模,检测工作基本符合规范,能够满足目前艾滋病检测工作的需要。 Objective To evaluate the current status of AIDS screening laboratory management in Chengdu, assess the quality of laboratory testing and further improve the detection network of AIDS screening laboratories in Chengdu. Methods Based on the requirements of the “National AIDS Testing Technical Specification”, a unified evaluation standard was set up, functional work evaluation and serological proficiency testing (PT) of participating AIDS screening laboratories were conducted. Results A total of 56 districts (cities) AIDS screening laboratories were approved by the end of 2009-12 in Chengdu, including 20 disease control systems (35.71%), 33 medical institutions (58.93%), 3 blood collection and supply institutions (5.36%), participated in the 2009 assessment of HIV screening laboratories 53, 37 laboratories outstanding examination, 14 laboratories assessed well, two laboratories passed the examination. Conclusion The network construction of HIV / AIDS screening laboratory in Chengdu has begun to take shape and the testing work basically meets the standard and can meet the current needs of HIV testing.
王轶美/改编 两颗牙/绘画  很久以前,有个扫烟囱的小男孩,名叫汤姆,他受尽了师傅格林先生的虐待。一天,他跟随师傅去哈特荷佛庄园扫烟囱,无意中闯入了约翰爵爷女儿爱丽小姐的闺房,被误当成了小偷遭到追捕。在水仙女的暗中保护下,汤姆来到了小溪边,沉睡到水中,变成了水孩子。  汤姆一觉醒来,发现自己可以在水里自由自在地游来游去。他从小溪经过江河游到大海,同水中各种稀奇古怪的动物打交道,好不容易找到了其他水
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The modified single base propellant is generally prepared from single base propellant grains by impregnation with a blasting oil nitroglycerine(NG),following by
日前,由中国新闻出版研究院组织实施的2010年度全国国民阅读调查项目显示,2010年我国18-70周岁国民图书、报纸、期刊的阅读量较2009年均有增加。2010年我国18-70周岁国 Rece