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To assess the role of hypertension and family history of hypertensio n in the development of nephropathy in patients with non insulin dependent dia betes mellitus (NIDDM).Methods. A retrospective analysis was done on 2 groups of NIDDM patients, one g roup without proteinuria (urine protein< 300mg/24h, n=106) and the other group w ith proteinuria (urine protein≥500mg/24h, n=106). The 2 groups were matched by age(≤±3yrs), sex, ethnic and resident place. Some information of these subject s including demographic; history of disease, family history of diseases, lifesty le and behavior style variables was obtained by questionnaire; some variables w ere measured, including systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP), fasting blood glucose (FBG), quantity of protein in 24h urine. Then condi tional logistic regression analysis was performed.Results. Some factors, including history of hypertension, longer duration of hy pertension, higher levels of the past highest SBP and DBP, were independently as sociated with the occurrence risk of diabetic nephropathy (DN). Their correspond ing odd ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were 2.00(1.17~3.43), 1 .25(1.08~1.46), 1.38(1.15~1.66), and 1.33(1.09~1.62) respectively, but family history of hypertension was not significantly associated with the development o f DN. When the above mentioned relations were respectively adjusted by some pos sible confounding factors, they still existed.Conclusions. History of hypertension, longer duration of hypertension, higher l evels of the past highest SBP and DBP are independent risk factors for DN in Chi nese NIDDM patients. To assess the role of hypertension and family history of hypertensio n in the development of nephropathy in patients with non insulin dependent dia betes mellitus (NIDDM). Methods. A retrospective analysis was done on 2 groups of NIDDM patients, one g roup without proteinuria ( urine protein <300mg / 24h, n = 106) and the other group with proteinuria (urine protein≥500mg / 24h, n = 106). The 2 groups were matched by age (≤ ± 3yrs), sex, ethnic and resident place Some information of these subjects s ​​including demographic; history of disease, family history of diseases, lifesty le le behavior style variables was obtained by questionnaire; some variables w ere measured, including systolic blood pressure (SBP), diastolic blood pressure (DBP) After condi tional logistic regression analysis was performed. Results. Some factors, including history of hypertension, longer duration of hy pertension, higher levels of the past highest S Their responses as odd ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals (CI) were 2.00 (1.17-3.43) and 1.25 (1.08-1.46) ), 1.38 (1.15-1.66), and 1.33 (1.09-1.62) respectively, but family history of hypertension was not significantly associated with the development of DN. When the above mentioned relations were respectively respectively by some posible confounding factors, they still existed.Conclusions. History of hypertension, longer duration of hypertension, higher l evels of the past highest SBP and DBP are independent risk factors for DN in Chi nese NIDDM patients.
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