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川剧《巴山奇冤》是否应该搬上银幕,众说纷纭,从1984年春酝酿筹备,到入夏在金沙江畔的屏山县开拍以来,种种议论不绝于耳。笔者应邀为拍片作点文字评介,跑到拍摄外景地,向编导(魏明伦、张一)讨教,二位热情接待,与我恳谈,回答我的提问: 问:新编现代川剧《四姑娘》,是四川省委提出“振兴川剧”号召后的首批成果,舞台演出赢得很多的声誉,可是作为地方戏搬上银幕之后观众面很窄。现在,把《巴山奇冤》这出从剧本到演出都取得显著成绩的川剧搬上银幕,会不会重蹈《四姑娘》的覆辙? 答:不会。《巴山奇冤》是一出思想性艺术性俱佳的好戏,这是任何一部电影成败的关键。你听听名 Sichuan Opera “Bashan Wink” should be put on the screen, different opinions, from the preparation of the spring of 1984 brewing, into the summer of Pingshan County in the Jinsha River since the start, all kinds of arguments endless. The author was invited to make some textual comments on the film, went to filming the location, asked the director (Wei Minglun and Zhang Yi) for advice, and two warm receptions, earnestly asked me to answer my question: Q: The new Sichuan opera “Four Girls” It is the first achievement after the Sichuan Provincial Party Committee put forward the “revitalization of Sichuan Opera.” The stage performance won a lot of reputation, but the audience was very narrow after it was put on the screen as a local drama. Now, the “Bashan Jiyang,” which made remarkable achievements from the script to perform on the screen, will not repeat the “Four Girls” mistakes? A: No. “Bashan Qi injustice” is a good artistic ideological play, which is the key to the success or failure of any movie. You listen to the name
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如图,是“昆化杯”象棋大师赛湖北柳大华对上海林宏敏弈出的中局形势。双方是中炮横车对屏风马布局。战至如图形势,黑方炮镇中路,中车正捉吃红边马,骑河马 Figure, is the
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<正> 南京军区前线话剧团近日公演了姚远创作的多场次话剧《天堂里来的士兵》,此剧从多种角度反映了我军指战员从和平环境走向对越自卫防御战场的生活历程,展示了他们在血与